Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Can money buy happiness

We all need money, that is a simple fact in today´s world. In times of depression we hear heartbreaking stories of people losing their jobs and homes. Saying to them money doesn´t bring happiness would be completely thoughtless and cruel. To the less fortunate ones money equals the continuing of their normal every day life - and that normal life is where we find our true happiness in life. So yes - money can be a great factor in bringing happiness in life.

money and happiness - happy money And what about those who have their jobs? How often do they sacrifice their whole life to the pursuit of money? Now there are many people who feel true satisfaction in the game - they love to work long hours, and we should let them do just that. Let them follow their passion. Because money can be a great motivator in achieving better things in life (and everyone should define themselves what that means to them).

Still - often we hear stories of how these long working hours have caused problems in peoples personal lives because they don't have time for their friends and family. Their life values are heavily tipped on one side and one day they may find money is the only friend they have left. Can money buy happiness in such a situation? Money and happiness sure don't seem to go hand in hand in these cases...

Where then lies the balance between personal life and a life spent pursuing money and possessions? How to balance the stress?

Our society's values are quite hard - most often we label people according to how much money they make. Often we don't even question those values, don't see them. But when we, or someone we love, face hard times and money doesn't flow in as it used to - that's when we often realize money cannot define a person's value. We know these people, their good characteristics, their warm personalities and big hearts - and those haven't disappeared even if money did. So it hurts us too to hear others judge our loved ones because they don't have prosperity any more.

Those are also the times when many so called "friends" disappear. It's like they are afraid poverty is contagious. Or are they afraid they will be asked to loan money to their friends in need? Of course you may ask were they really friends to begin with - or just people who were more interested in someone else's money - and how they could benefit from that.

And then there is envy. Not many can be truly happy when a friend suddenly becomes rich. "It just isn´t fair! Why him? Why not me?" Sound familiar? Also there seems to be a deep rooted belief that if someone is rich, then surely she/he got the money through abusing others somehow. And if a rich person loses their money, there are many who get malicious pleasure from that. And yet - if someone has lots of money, it is more likely she/he will use that money and buy things and so keep the wheels of economy rolling.

So obviously our whole attitude towards money is a very diverse subject.

I believe money and happiness don´t exclude each other. Because what is money to us, really? I´ve come to think it represents freedom - freedom to do what we want, when we want to do it. To be our true selves with less stress. But we can do things like that even without money, too.

Also money give us the chance to make good things happen to others too - we can help others in really tangible ways. Money and happiness really go hand in hand in those situations.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dedicate to someone who is no more in my life,, i use to call her dabbu

The first time I laid eyes on you
A seed was sown within me.
Since then it has grown,
Its creeping tendrils ensnaring my heart,
Filling my head with thoughts of you.
Now a fiery blossom is blooming,
Radiating passion, stirring up longing.
Each day with you,
These feelings grow stronger.
Standing near you I am enchanted
For I am in the presence of an angel.
No longer can these feelings be held in.
From my chest they burst outward
In this confusion only one thing is certain.
I love you.

Inside I die

I see the stars sparkling so bright,
Within the moon kissed sky.
I hear the lark so sweetly sing,
Amidst the morning dawn.
I smell the flower full in bloom,
And see their royal pomp.

And yet some place so deep within,
I'm shrouded and I'm closed.
The brilliance there I can't see,
In mists of misery.
Enshrined inside, unable thus,
To touch the warmth without.

I gaze upon this passion spent,

And yet . . . Inside I die.....!!!

I am alone

I am alone,
so very alone

I hurt,
so very bad

I am ignored,
just thrown aside

I am security,
for others to have

I am lonely,
there is no one close,
no one sees the pain

I cry,
hope is gone

I am alone,
and no one knows

Acid Rain

Thinking of you - acid rain falls -
or are those tears which burn
fiery paths of hurt down my
face and on my neck - where I
can't swallow or breathe - can
this choking be my end? Yes -
but the pain has just begun
as the heart thirsts for love
but only soaks in anguish - which
drains it of life - tearing
a jagged scar - a raw wound
open and screeching - echoing
through a tortured mind -
then time is the enemy -
all that remains
is a skeleton of
agonistic spirit -
singing a haunting melody -
"I'll love you to the bitter end."


all I can see.
nothing remains.

dripping slowly away
the tides recede
and I stand

I look down from the precipice
that is my life
and wonder where the tides go.

will they return to fill
my gaping soul?

or will the waters dry
to flow no more
and leave me standing
and breathless?

all I can do is

watching from my precipice,
all I can do is wonder.

Monday, June 20, 2011

We Will Be Together

Not holding you in my arms is tearing me apart.
Being away is something I never imagined from the start.
I never thought we'd fall in love, so mad.
I never realized life without you would be so bad.
The gentle reassurance in your hand
led me away to a make-believe land.
Now my heart can't resist, but to yearn for your warmly embraced kiss.
And being with you is something I miss.
The things I'd give to have you in my arms -
To just hold you close and protect you from harm.
They said it will never work because of our age;
To them my love for you was just a phase.
When they came in our world and tore it apart,
It soon became a broken-promise land of the heart.
They don't know what we've been through,
How much you love me and I love you.
This can't be over; we're still not through.
There's so much we haven't shared - so much we promised to do.
I don't know how to hide my love enough so it doesn't show.
I can't hold back and refuse to let go.
If they only knew how you made me feel,
With all the problems you helped me deal.
How you taught me I was much more than I had ever thought -
All of the Joy, Happiness, and Love to me you brought.
You showed me I was beautiful outside and in,
And showed me true love time and time again.
One day I will return to you all you have given me,
In some shape or form; soon you'll see.
Send a message to my heart; promise me we will never part.
One day we will be able to be together every day,
And we won't have to worry what they say.
So when the time comes, promise me you'll take my hand and be with me
forever as long as we can.

A piece of me

When you're down and feeling blue
Think of me and I'll be there for you.
Take my hand and I will hold you tight.

If your burden seems too heavy
Call my name and I'll ease some of your pain.
You can lean on me my darling.

When everything seems so wrong
Reach out for me and we will make it right.
Let's get strong together we can fight.

Don't ever think that you are alone
Cause I'm with you all along.
For always we will stand strong.

I love you seems good to hear
But my feelings for you
Can't be define by saying only I love you.

Because my love, I will do anything for you
For us to make us grow.
Even stormy weather or Tsunami comes our way.
There's no way my love go astray.

I know these are only words
But know my love that this is a piece of me
Telling you this to make you see.

That I'll always be there
Through good and bad times.