Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is LOVE..

I'm trying to figure out
what love is all about
sometimes u feel happy
sometimes u feel sad
but after all those good times
nothing should really be too bad
u give u'r all to someone
hoping she will be the one
until u see a morning sun
telling u all is finished & done
u loved her so much
but her feelings were not such
now u feel depressed & down
like a king without a crown
after a few days when u smile
even just for a little while
soon u realize it's fake
u'r just trying to hide u'r heartache
Now u talk to urself
with u'r reflection
u'r heart is dead
but it will make a resurrection
Time will pass
and u'r wounds will heal
u'r heart once again
will start to feel
all those times together
weren't in vain
nothing is lost
but everything is gained
gained is the pleasure of giving
and LOVE is
the other name of GIVING.........!!!

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