Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Falling Out Of Love

People who "fall out of love" can indeed fall back in love.

It happens all the time.

Occasionally I hear people want to end relationships because they have "fallen out of love".

They just don't feel what they once felt hence think the relationship must end so they can find someone else who they truly love.

My response to this is that, most often, "falling out of love" really means, a couple hasn't invested in the relationship in a way to keep love alive and vibrant.

Now, of course there are times where a couple has moved into two different worlds and has no interest in coming together, or a couple finds the relationship unhealthy, and therefore believe it is in the best interest to separate.

But, more often then not, a couple can absolutely rekindle that spark if they want to, and if they are willing to nurture the relationship.

I use the plant analogy a lot but it applies to this situation... if a plant is not given the nutrients it needs to survive it will die. Similarly if a relationship is not given nourishment it too will wilt and ultimately die. But, even a wilted plant can come back to life if given sunlight, water, and healthy soil.

And, the love that was once in a relationship can also come alive again with the proper care. In truth, often couples find their new found love is even stronger and more powerful than previously, and that overcoming the challenge brought them together in new more amazing ways.

To create a vibrant healthy relationship does take time, energy, and determination. It takes a willingness on both parties to move toward love. And it takes knowing that one can, again, fall in love.

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