Friday, June 29, 2012

The Haircut

Female version: 

First Woman: Oh, you got a haircut! That's so cute! 

Second Woman: Do you think so? I wasn't sure when she gave me the mirror. I mean, you don't think it's too fluffy-looking?

First Woman: Oh God, no! No, it's perfect. I'd love to get my hair cut like that, but I think my face is too wide. I'm pretty much stuck with it how it is, I think.

Second Woman: Are you serious? I think your face is adorable. And you could easily get one of those layer cuts-that would really suit you. I was going to do that except that I was afraid it would accentuate my long neck.

First Woman: What's wrong with your neck? I would love to have a neck like yours: anything to take attention away from my awful shoulder line.

Second Woman: Are you kidding? I know girls that would love to have your shoulders. Everything hangs so well on you. "You're like a walking fashion 
catalogue.But look at my arms - see how short they are? If I had your shoulders, I could get clothes to fit me so much easier.

Male version: 

First Man: Haircut? 

Second Man: Yeah.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

We Can Still Control Our Fears..

God created us with a small heart, filled with feelings and love, but he balanced them with a wise and deep mind.
Im one of those who are scared to love, even scared to trust, because in every time, i end up by being hurt. So i decided no to love again, and not to trust anyone, because i've been hurt enough. But let us think about it, is it the right decision? Well, i dont think so.
Everyone deserves a second chance, even us, because we shouldnt judge from our experiences, but we should learn from them, so that we take more care in the next times.
Well, i know we cant control our feelings, but im sure we can control our minds, we should show up strong and love with our full hearts, and just ignore our fears, because we cant avoid being hurt, whether it was because of love or because of other things.
I saw a post on my Facebook News feed by one of my friend that said "im not single, im reserved for the one who deserve". I guess thats the story of my life.

I Help Because It Feels Right

I also enjoy helping people in need or help people realize that they might need help to overcome something. I care too much some would say, but would that change me in helping people? No. I simply help and talk to others how are; lonely, depressed, or just need a friend to talk to. I have 2 good ears, and an open mind. I've help many people onair, on FB and people offline too, but I want to do more. Its an idea that seems unreachable at the moment, but my hopes and plans that I have may make it closer than it appears. There's so much I want to say, but my mind has gone blank lol. i want to be like someone, who remains unnoticed but helps others who really need help. I just find it so much easier to help someone then it is to just ignore that they need help and keep moving on. sometimes im self conscious and help because im worried about people thinking i have some other motive then just trying to be helpful but thats only with bosses or someone who is really attractive (xoxoxo). hope this inspires people to help more!
If anyone ever needs a friend or someone to just let stuff out on, I'll listen and only give advice if you ask for it :)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Apology - To whom it may concern

This is so hard to write i don't know if i should be funny or serious but here goes. I am so very sorry to you. I am very sorry for those instances when I have been rude to you. There have been so many misunderstandings between us. I apologize for the hurtful, harmful, dishonest and reckless things I've done in my life, to others and to myself, out of not knowing how to love and accept myself.  I apologize also to my self for the countless hours I've wasted stewing and being angry and bitter and refusing to forgive. I am truly sorry.

I apologize for losing my-self as I prefer and pay attention to other external happenings. I apologize for not responding to myself more. I apologize for not taking the care I know I am capable of. I apologize for cutting down my joy significantly so that I can fit in to this world. I apologize for not being able to believe that I am made solely of love. I am sorry that I close my heart when I get afraid. I am sorry that your invitations for closeness scare me and make me want to run away.  I am sorry if I disapointed or hurt you in the end. I apologize to anyone whom I have treated in a demeaning way. Please forgive me.

I'm sorry for all that stupid mistake that I made. And for those harsh words that I yelled. Those hurting arguments and tears that flowed on your cheeks. I'm sorry to hurt you at the time that I shouldn't do. I'm sorry to make you lost your temper to my foolishness. I'm sorry to call you "annoying" **I can't help it that time, you just are haha. (juss kiddin)No offence** I'm sorry to make you deal with my child-like personality. Yeah I was so childish. Yet you still be friend with me. Thank you for that and sorry for sometimes I didn't treat you like my best friend. Sorry for all the ignorance. I'm so proud to have a friend as smart as you. haha. ** ehh ehh don't blush now** Oh yea... Thanks for talking to me in the middle of night when I have problems. i'm sorry to make you sleep so late. :P

I don't know how to describe this feeling but when it comes to my friends *including you*.. I feel so hard to be separated from you... not just you.. all my friends too. ? I know I've done so many wrongdoings on you. Forgive me. :'( Thanks for being my friend again. Truly.. I can't take control of everything. People come and go, but memories stay. And I'm afraid that will haunted me for all my life. I'm afraid if I can't let my friend go on their own way. Including you. From the guy that always pissed you off.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Unanswered Questions

I sit and wonder how countries emerged,
How did these invisible boundaries surge..
Who gave men the right to claim,
Putting God’s own view of a united world to shame…

How is it that visa’s are denied to some,
And still they have the audacity to write ‘welcome’ !
They need bank statements to check whether you can sustain,
Oh – he’s gonna go to your country and beg his living – you think people are Insane?

Who defined what’s right and wrong,
Is it people with influence all along?
Pay your taxes for a better living,
Potholes, inflation, in return where is the giving?

How to complicate these simple facts?
Divert the people to something that attracts…
In the rat race chaos who wants tensions,
Is ignorance bliss to these unanswered questions?

Music and Moods

People say music is life,
And every moment they live with it,

Moments of past,
and moments of truth,
Moments that last,
The moments of youth...

Listening to slow progressive,
feeling an adreline rush,
Whats life got to give,
wanna speak but also wanna hush...

Sometimes people are rude,
And things go haywire,
Emotions and different moods,
Sometimes make things dire..

Live life the way you want to,
there are things which will come along,
life & music will take you through,
there is nothing right or wrong...


There has always been this debate,
The girl asks the guy why are you late?
What happened to all the times when she made the guy wait,
The times that I speak of - are the times when they were on a date..

The girl always says - why are you insensitive,
The guy always has the opinion - my life let me live,
No matter how much the guy tries to give,
A small little thing and the girl takes ages to forgive..

Why on a date, does the guy always pay?
If he's silent - she says u never have anything to say,
I'm still waiting for that very day,
When girls understand - the guy cares in every way!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dosti - Anup Verma

A song written and composed my me dedicated to all my friends.. recorded on a special occasion or call it a get together.. sorry for the bad audio quality, this video was recorded on mobile phone and plus i had some problem with my vocals(cold).