Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I Love The People Associated With Me In My Life

Waking in the morning to falling asleep at night and then into dreams. If I am unhappy, crying, or down. You would never know that I see people and life the way I do. I have a hidden passion for living things and life in itself. I am not one to judge others based on their appearance or what they do. You may be confused as I say this because although I do separate myself from people who do awful things, I still have a sense about them that draws me to still care.  Just because I get angry at some does not mean I am hateful. I seldom admit to loving others for who they are.

I have learned that everyone has a story and mind of their own. We often forget this and treat others wrongfully.

In my path I have learned all souls deserve a chance no matter if they think like us or not. Each has their own. If they effect us with their wrong doings we must not hate, but forgive. Life has a balance. There is good in all of us and it is as common as the bad. Learning to accept this isn't easy but once you do, you become more.

I promise to never hurt anyone no matter how upset I may be. I will never turn down a friend in need. I will always look for the good in you. I will remain hopeful. I will continue to see this world as a wonderful spirit in itself no matter the destruction it may ever face.  I will continue to love others for who they are. If they make the wrong choice, if they are poor, sad, lonely, sick, disfigured, or deceased, I will always love them just the same. I have promised myself this. This is my promise.

There comes a time in our life's where our eyes open. We are shown truth through all we have lived through. You learn so much. You learn that there is no longer room for hate and finally we push aside our petty differences.  I see a light in this world. its one of trust, loyalty, beauty, life, and love.

 I am dumbfounded yet embracing this at the same time. I have truly learned to love life, people, and everything surrounding.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Rude People

I do NOT understand why some people feel the need to be rude to other people. Isn't there enough unnecessary drama in the world? Why add to it by being mean and viscious to each other?

Who made you judge and jury anyway? Who are you to judge another person for their lifestyle? Each person has only one life to live, why shouldn't they be allowed to live it in whatever way that makes THEM happy? Why do you feel that they should live their life to YOUR standards? It's THEIR life. Not yours. Let them live it as they please. Everyone has the right to be happy, even if they have to achieve that in a way that you yourself wouldn't. They're not in this life to make you happy.

I say, worry about your own life and your own happiness and stay out of everyone elses back yard...

Spent Shells

"With friends like these, who needs enemies?" So the old English proverb goes.
I could never decide which is worse, an enemy who goes out of their way to let you know how disliked you are, or a 'frenemy' - a so called friend who puts you down behind your back, but is sweet as pie to your face.
I don't consider myself perfect, and I admit I have done things that have been wrong and have upset people, but I have never done anything venonmous to anyone. It isn't in my heart to. But through life, we live and learn. It's impossible to avoid those who want to cause us harm in some way.

While writing this post I have many faces in my mind. They are just empty, hateful shells of people. To hell with them.

I'm a writer

I'm a writer. I could write a million stories, all with happy endings. I could make realistic fairytales. I'm a writer, I can do anything with a pen and a piece of paper. I could make a story about two lovers, who end up together despite any struggles they might have. I could write about finding love in an unlikely place. I could write a million stories of love. Each with the perfect ending. I'm a writer, and writing I can do, but that's all I can do. And at the end of the day all I have are words on a piece of paper. I have lies. I have things that are made up in my mind. Things like you and me. I could write a story about you and me. But if I do, I can't write a happy ending. I can't put us together. I can't have that fairytale. 
I'm a writer. I could write a million stories, all with happy endings. All one million but one. The story of us, it doesn't, it didn't, and it will never have a chance. I'm a writer, and I hate the story of us. I can't write a new one, if I could, we'd have the perfect ending. We'd have the sun set while holding hands. We'd have the love that we could show each other through just one look. If I could change it, I'd give us the chance. The chance that fate never gave us. Then, I'd spend my whole life living the best story I've ever written. If I could have the chance; I'd write us. 

lot to say

I have a lot to say, and sometimes it's not what some want to hear. I am normally very positive about my life but to some this is a negative. I choose not to allow those persons to rain on my parade. So to those that feel others’ words aren’t just right or that they cut into you like a knife then I say take heed because although that person most likely is NOT talking to you or about you, through your paranoid mind you assume their words are meant for you. Have you ever assumed that this is because you see yourself in the words and find yourself on the defense?

Yes, I have a lot to say so I won’t hold it in for anyone else.  I couldn’t care less if it touches a few nerves because I have a lot to say. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Kuch dost Bohot Yaad aate Hain

Jab Yaadon Ki kitaab kholun
to Kuch dost Bohot Yaad aate Hain
Mai guzre dino ki Sochu to
Kuch dost Bohot Yaad aate Hain
Ab Jany Kis Nagri Me,
Soye Pade Hain Muddat Se
Me Raat Gaye Thakk Jagoon to,
Kuch dost Bohot Yaad aate Hain
Kuch Baten Thi Phoolon jaisi,
Kuch Khushbo Jaise Lehzy the
Mai yaadon ke bagiche Me Tehloon to
Kuch dost Boht Yaad aate Hain
Wo Pal Bhar ki Narazgian or
Maan Bhi Jana pal Bhar Me
Me Khud Se Jab bhi Roothun to
Kuch dost Bohot Yaad aate hain...