Friday, July 20, 2012

I'm a writer

I'm a writer. I could write a million stories, all with happy endings. I could make realistic fairytales. I'm a writer, I can do anything with a pen and a piece of paper. I could make a story about two lovers, who end up together despite any struggles they might have. I could write about finding love in an unlikely place. I could write a million stories of love. Each with the perfect ending. I'm a writer, and writing I can do, but that's all I can do. And at the end of the day all I have are words on a piece of paper. I have lies. I have things that are made up in my mind. Things like you and me. I could write a story about you and me. But if I do, I can't write a happy ending. I can't put us together. I can't have that fairytale. 
I'm a writer. I could write a million stories, all with happy endings. All one million but one. The story of us, it doesn't, it didn't, and it will never have a chance. I'm a writer, and I hate the story of us. I can't write a new one, if I could, we'd have the perfect ending. We'd have the sun set while holding hands. We'd have the love that we could show each other through just one look. If I could change it, I'd give us the chance. The chance that fate never gave us. Then, I'd spend my whole life living the best story I've ever written. If I could have the chance; I'd write us. 

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