Sunday, May 1, 2011


Facebook is the place where I spend my most of time and love chatting with my friends on it and commenting on their latest profile updates which makes me happy and satisfied that i am in touch with all my friends.they sometimes reply to it but sometimes not but this is how it goes on Facebook and I love it.

I personally never accept friend requests anymore that don’t have a personal message with them. I don’t know who they are and they obviously didn’t take the time to see who I was either.

I always send a message when I send a friend request and I only send friend requests to my leads that I generate. That way when I see that a request has been accepted I know I need to pay extra attention to that person because they have already become a lead. I wonder why people do that do. Just click request? That’s not cool. I like to know who I want to connect with. Though some dont change no matter what, I’ve seen that some actually are very teachable and will do their best if shown the way.

NOW, if i talk about my facebook friends, there are many. Whenever i go online i find hundreds of people online and some of them alwayz sends me IM's which i usually don't prefer to reply because i know that it's gonna be a boring conversation. He/She will start with "HI", and end up saying "I AM FINE", and thats all. But it does'nt means that i dont like chatting, i really really do chat but with a few people whom i found intersting and who has got their back. And only through chatting, i've found some really interesting people, even i remember their names.. NILANJAN MUKHERJEE, ANURADHA UPADHYAE, SAURAV ANURAJ, SHWETA AGARWAL, DJ PROBZ, RUDHIR GURUNG, SMITI TAMANG, SHEULI.. and much more... (sorry if ur name is not mentioned)

Few of them i know very well, and few of them are in touch through facebook. So let me let me introduce few of them.

lets just start from SAURAV.. The Dabangg..

HI im Saurav Anuraj...
My life revolves around only five major things. My Music, my sis, camera,lappy (photoshop) And my Frnds...
Take these things away from me and there is no meaning to my life...
Music is my sole companion that always cheers me up whenever I'm down.
When I feel sad or lonely, there is nothing better than headphones on full volume, a cup of coffee in hand, relaxing on my bed...
My sister is very special to me. She's my inspiration and I look up to her. Although we do fight, but what brother-sister don't? She's simply the best.
I simply cannot imagine a day going by without me using my camera or my lappy.
What can be better than trying to portray the beauty of the world around you?
I may not take my mobile phone with me when I go out, but you surely will find a camera with me.
Photography has been my hobby, is my passion, and I hope that it turns out to be a successful career.
I believe in Clicking moments not "Making" moments !! A line by a very successful photographer (I hope to follow suit :-P)
My friends are the best part of my life. Without them, I don't think there is any existence to me...
According to me, if a person even has 1-2 great friends, he is in heaven. And I consider myself really lucky that I have so many!
To all my friends, I have only one thing to say to you,
"I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour,
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
I'll be there for you, coz you're there for me too..."
Then ofcourse, there is my special one, My "MEOW". In a way she's been the reason that I have changed... A lot of my friends have told me so.
She's the biggest twist in my life, and I've learnt a great deal about myself by just knowing her...
I don't know if she will have the same feelings for me, but I can say this with confidence, that she sill always have a special place in my heart...
I have this Mantra in life : Don't aim to be a slave in Heaven, Aim to be a king... Even if in Hell!!

Now i'm shareing some secret things of my top 7 frnds........
Anup-that is a name of full argument..... always serious. bt actually he is loving to make suspence.... but gave him a nickname PULLU. bydwe we have two similarity. first of all we love driving(how did hell did u manage to brake my 150km/h record) n second we love making girlfrnd(still our relatioship status is single):P... Pullu is a good frnd,but hai thoda Kanjush...... overall such a gd frnd.
shweta-when i heard this name, god swear i was little bit afraid anytime,anywhere,without reason "DHAMKI bhari baaten krti hai";). otherwise she is a nice gal. love to eat chocolate,love to make frndshp and a good cook(jisko khane se sab datre hain). but one thing is missing.... her boyfriend:-P. afterall she is frnd of mine. i have a tension fr her.....
smiti-hmmm actually she is nt in my frndlist. but still i remember we communicate with each other so many times of pullu,billo,panku n vindi's status.i have no sis..... I wish if Smiti become my sweet n lovely sis.
Manoj-big brother of 6 frnds. not also big bro,he is a kind hearted person n a good friend. fully i respect him......
Pankaj-my one of best.he didn't receive my call at night(when i was in trouble with two monkeys). but always with me just like a shadow............................
Rohit-same words here applicable.personaly i didn't talk to him through .bt i know my rohit always remembering me.
At last in a few word i want to describe about my enemy shy(vindi)..god gave me such a good things bt also gave me a irritating person,name is shy sheuli.she has all bad habits,like rude behaviour,dhamki(Like Billo),cheating,blackmail blah blah blah.....
overall in 7frnds i always found my second home.

And here comes sheuli..

well the name itself speaks loud on how she is n what she's a flower which is vry soft n u got to hold her like the flower.the vry first letter of her name 's' is symmetric with the word 'sensitive' what she actually is of rich fragrance n she also shower love n care fr everyone at the same way into her family including her frnds.still,if u want to discover something more of her,u got to impress her to become a frnd.

About my frnds.come to the vital point of describing my sweetest n lovely frnds.i have so many frnds,school frnds,college frnds n office now i'm talking about my fb frnds.i'm friendly to all bt friends of i describing of my 7frnds -who r all angel,god gifted fr me.first of all i want to share something about SAURAV-who is actually just like a kid.all time u can find him as a heart broken lover.when he was born,he could speech just one word 'meow'..on the other hand he is a marvellous photographer..just like FARHAN of interest about technology bt still now he is a IIT student.n i must say whenever i call him,or he call me,always 'ladte jhagadte hai'.over all he is a nice guy.second of all anup..he is full form of romanticism,masti,naughtyness,n ofcourse loving n careing person.he is an rj.he commited to me whenever i getting married he'l do me a favour-as a party organiser.ofcourse free of he has a bad habit.he couldn't recv my call fr once time.ok doesn't matter.'khandani dushmani jo hai' i'm talking about shweta n smiti-i must say they r both look like a princes.soft heart,loving n caring.whenever i feel alone,they always support me.pankaj,manoj n rohit-accept manoj bhai,others two frnds just my good frnds.always irritating me,bt loving me same.i don't know what i wanted to say,at the last nt the list following 7frnds they r just my heart n soul..god bless them.

Lets talk about SHWETA...

Shweta.... she is popularly knwn as her papa's litl princess.., her moms best frnd nd her bro's jaan... In short her family's heart... Her life is like any1 else's, a roller coaster ride..wid al ups nd downs..twists n turns wich adds life to her life.. She loves her family above all nd cn do nythng dat takes 4 dem.. Her frnds are her jaan nd she cnt imagine herself widout dem..abov al her bhagwanji.. Who she firmly believes to be her best friend.. She believes in miracles, has faith in her relations nd takes signs 4m god.. She has lrnt to move ahead in life... Shweta is like any oder gal... Who dreams of him.. Who wud come in her life, and shower his love 4 her..trn it al around n mke it wondrful like a fairy tale.. Bt she knws life dsnt fulfil ur plans.. It hs got its own, so she nevr lets hrslf dwn.. She lives wid her head held high.. Nd her heart touches de skies...:):)...she has got a world of her own.. Undiscovered by anyone.. not even herself... de treasure kept for some1 she is waiting 4...♥.. as her

nme suggests.. its ' shwaet '.. Wich means white... It stnds 4 peace, prosperity, unity , love nd devotion...sincerity nd nd trust, loyalty nd love, care nd soothe.. U wil get it all 4m her.. She is friendly, caring, sensitive , naughty, loving, sometimes a 2 yr old kid, sometimes too matured.. But abov al she isnt fake .. She is straight forward, rite wat she is on ur face.. Dislikes flirts nd egoistic ppl ful of wrong attitude.. She has de hrt to giv u 1 wen u deserv it... Wel evn dis cnt wrap up me nd my life..

Now... about ME and MY DEAR ANUP... if i start off.. its never gonna end..i dnt see anup nd pankaj as two diff ppl.. dey both are my heart and soul... i cal al my frns as my angels.. bt dse two are my littl angels... my bettu.. my lucky charms.. my kweet ♥♥♥ .. My litl kids.. My guardians... Jitna bolo kamm hai... Dey stepped into my life togeda.. I dnt remembr dat date... At i do remembr 4th Dec '10...i nevr knew dat wud add to my world sumthn new... Wrds fall short 4 dem... dey r my mottu, my chubby pie, my tondumal.. My cutie jaana babu.. My baccha, my hun.. showered me wd smiles nd surprises.. helped me wen no1 was around... ate my delite untasteful dishes.. always wishd de best 4 me.. lovd me unconditionally.. protected me.. taught me..cuddled me..teasd me,. bullied me.. tickled me..~.~ ...scared me @_@...snatched .. Pampered me... Chocolated me...lovd me,.. Hugged me.. Stood by me silently.. Wiped off my tears...helped me to smile.. Made me fearless...nd ya mde me fb, celphne , misty dilse

... misty dilse addict banaya... bt stil i love dat.... i love dem both a lot...
i owe to fb a lot... besides them it gave me 5 more angel like friends...namely saurav, sheuli, smiti, manoj ji, nd rohit....

SAURAV : he is a swthrt, d dabang, d slpless beauty whum at any hour of de nite i can find him awake to accompany me wid his saddu msgs..hehe... he trusted in me as his dear frn.. nd tels me i remind him of his meow.. i respect his happy club nd hav seen he is an innocent hrt.. alwayz makes me laugh at his jokes no matter hw silly dey r.. who says hes w8ng to hav sumthn cookd by me wich makes me happie, who is de bada baccha wid only love in his hrt.. no doubt an excellent photographer... one who is very caring too...:)

SHEULI : Very swt voice, vry sensitive | more dan me | , vry caring, hard working, sweet , and dramatic.. hehe... 4 whum i wish all de happiness nd who wishes 4 me too..:)... whose calls are always missed me.. dats purely unintentional.,. bt i knw shes a frnd forevr...:)


Hello frnds...
well 2 describe about myself i can just say that i m a person who is very moody...i like to do things according to my mood...i have seen many ups and downs in life n can at least say that i have experienced life in its diverse colours...i was an average student at my school with a hardworking spirit...but i have always thought of doing as my heart they say MENTAL SATISFACTION IS ALSO A MAJOR NECCESITY IN LIFE...i aspire to become a succesful person in my life...with lots of achievements in the corporate world...i see myself as an iconic businessman in the future...this was all about philosophically speaking of PANKAJ AGARWAL...

I Love my family a lot...say my laws evryone...
then come my say about my friends i am a person who is not at all selective in making friends...i like to make new friends...
i have a lots of friends...some of them went past me and i had to pass some of them by in the race of life...but no matter they are still in my hearts...some think i have cheated on them and for some i feel the same...but no matter this is the way life is...

FACEBOOK...a place where i spend most of my leisure moments and a place that has given me a lot...say the things i have always been longing for...friends made over here on facebook...some of them are unknown to me...also some of them were unknwon to me...some of them are my memorable sources of experiences...but still an important part of my life...

So,let me take this oppurtunity now to say what i feel for some of the dearest and most precious pals i have come accross in my life....

MANOJ BHAIYA...let me start with him as he is the senior most member of our family..
a guardian...a guiding light...a person who is always there for you whatever the situation may be...the one whom i respect a lot as my guardian,an elder brother...i thank facebook for providing me such a caring elder brother...

ANUP VERMA...let me make a confession guys...
the one to inspire me to join facebook was this guy...and above all if i am sharing your inbox today then he is one of the reasons for it...i have become all of your friends through this man...i know this guy since the last 2 years and i must say he has taught me a lot in life...i respect him a lot...we are good buddies...attitude has nothing to do between us...he is the one who speaks a little but that little does the complete me friends he can never advice you wrong...though at times he sounds harsh but still he is ONE OF THE BEST PERSONS I HAVE MET IN MY LIFE...

SHWETA you my angel...
an ideal girl to be the dearest friend to someone...a girl who is say the most dearest to me in this world as my friend...she has given me a lot in life...she has taught me to move ahead in life...she is the the most sensible,lovable,emotional yet very strong girl i have ever met in my life...she is the one who always stands there in the crowd to cheer you...she is the one who has always stood for me when the world stood against me...i owe to you a lot are the one to change my life completely...THANKS

SAURAV ANURAJ...a complete entertainer...a friend who just simply wants friendship and nothing else...he is a guy who masters in the art of hiding emotions behind laughter and his stupid jokes...i know what's the stuff cooking inside you brother though i never asked you nor did you tell me...besides that you are a great photographer i must say...overall i would like to meet you very soon buddy...i always want you beside me...

SHY SHEULI...kolkata'r roshoglla...a girl who is really a roshogolla with her voice and her nature too...a very sweet girl who is a diamond...because she has faced many hardships of life and now she shines like a beautiful real simply feels great to have a sweet sister like you in my you dear sis...

ROHIT SHARMA...a person whom i got to meet some 2 months impressed me a lot with your decency,calmness,sensiblity...i love every bit of your can be a person so simple and so high in his makes me feel very richer to have a friend like you in my wallet...

SMITI TAMANG...a friend who is new to me now...i dont know much about you...but as i much know of you from shweta and anup i can say you are a great buddy...a sweet girl...caring about her friends...i would love to have a friend like you beside me forever in my life....


Now some words from smiti..

Hello everyone dis is SMITI TAMANG ,,one of the miss facebook queen..I hope u guys dont know the meaning of my name "SMITI",,lemme tell u ,Smiti means "KHUSHI"(Happiness).So i m always happy and fun loving and even make people smile.
I m simple,i think too much,i stay quiet,i dont like crowd,i love to be wid frens..
FACEBOOK is such a site which has made my life so beautiful with a bunch of lovely buddies namely --ANUP,SHWETA,SHEULI,MANOJ,PANKAJ,SAURAV,ROHIT...

So lemme share my feelings towards them,,I know i m nt good in expressing words still watever cums in my mind right now m writing .....:

"ANUP VERMA" :I met anup last year 2010 in Career Fair,since then we know each other..When i first met him,i thought that he is lil proud type..but slowly i came to know that no,m wrong.Anup is totally different from other guys.He is fun loving guy but at the same time very emotional and understanding.He is very professsional too.He calls me MUNNI and i call him "MUNNA"(HEHE nice name).He flirts wid me(LOL).He supports me a lot,advises,cares,scolds and loves me.He wants me to keep smiling,want me to be happy forever..I just wana say u anup--U r great human being,i appreciate u.Always be the same anup wid ur frens.let not any type of grudge or pride cum in between..we all love u and m sure will be best pals till the grave.
"SHWETA AGARWAL":Shweta ,i met her through anup's friend list .She was unknown face in facebook.I was just in imagination,i used to think how she looks.But later she happened to upload her pic.Wow ,that was a real surprise to me..Because i had thought that she had very innocent ,lovely,decent,cute face.and really she possessed it..She is my darling sis cum friend..I love u sweety,,and m always with you..She have supported me in my ups and downs..since we haven't met yet but yeah very soon we gona meet.

"SHY SHEULI": Sheuli is a sweet girl with a sweet voice..My only friend of Kolkata.I can proudly tell people that i have a best pal in kolkata.Sheuli is like my sis.Shweta and Sheuli both of them r like my eyes.I cant love my one eye,i love my both eyes,so same thing.Sheuli is very a friendly,innocent,cute and hardworking girl.I do care for u friend.We haven't met but i really wana meet u.U r always welcomed to siliguri,we all will be waiting for u sheuli.

"MANOJ SHARMA":Manoj ji is the only person who tells me always that wow i like the language u speak,and the hills ,,etc ..He appreciates me ..I like the way he is ,He is good at heart..

"PANKAJ AGARWAL": Pankaj is my new friend,we had a chat often.As far as i know he is a guy with manners,he respects me.I m sure even we will be best pals with the passage of time ..

"SAURAV ANURAJ": Since we are new friends ,we know lil bout each other..but i have a belief that will be good frens eva.Now our frienship is like a BUD ,it will take few days to bloom..

"ROHIT SHARMA": Rohit is very new to me ..I hope he is also a good guy ..

Now.. Few Words from ANURADHA..

"मेरी नज़र से"... मैंने अपना सिर्फ एक नजरिया ज़ाहिर करने की कोशिश की है .खुद को हमेशा से मैंने एक कलाकार का दर्जा दिया है .हमेशा से खुद को कुछ ढूँढते हुए पाया..काफी सारे सवालों के घेरों से छूटते हुए पाया.हमेशा से अपने आप को खुद से ही घीरा हुआ देख खुद की बोहोत सी चीजों की समझ धीरे धीरे बढ़ती ही चली गयी.जिस की वजह से मैं इस लायक हुई हूँ की खुद को सब के सामने खुला रख सकूँ ,मैंने कोई बेडा नहीं उठाया है ,बस एक छोटी सी तमन्ना है ,और मकसद भी ,एक सोच रखना चाहती हूँ समाज में ,उन सब के बीच किसी जागृति की आकांक्षा लिए
उत्तर प्रदेश जैसे सुन्दर छेत्र में रहकर जब मैंने खुद के अस्तित्व को महेसूस करने का प्रयास किया,तब बोहोत सी मुसीबतों का सामना करने का नेक अवसर मेरे हाथ लगा , परन्तु यह सिर्फ एक जगह की बात नहीं है ,यहाँ मैं सारी इंसानियत को लेकर ये सवाल खड़ा करना चाहती हूँ .मैं बड़ी भाग्यशाली हूँ जो कला के इस मंदिर में खुद का योगदान देने का ये अवसर मुझे प्राप्त हुआ है ; पर सच मानिए तो ये अवसर मुझे प्राप्त नहीं हुआ,इस्से मैंने छीना है खुद की जिंदगी के लिए ,इस के लिए जो कुछ भी गंवाया उस का मुझे कोई अफ़सोस नहीं क्योंकि गंवाने के तुरंत बाद बोहोत कुछ सीखा भी.
मेरी पूरी जिंदगी को बयां करते ये काम ....मेरे लिए बोहोत महत्वपूर्ण हैं.खुद को अपनी जिंदगी से बाहर खड़ा कर ,उन सारे अनुभवों को दूर से स्पर्श करने की ये एक कोशिश है. नाकि सिर्फ मेरे खानदान बल्कि उन से जुदा हुआ हर वो समाज और आस पास का वैसा ही वातावरण जो उन्ही लोगों द्वारा बरसों से खड़ा किया गया है .जिन को मैंने जीने की कोशिश कई बार की ,परन्तु उन से कभी सहमत न हो सकी .मैं साफ़ साफ़ शब्दों से अपनी कला कृतियों को बयां नहीं कर सकती ,.पर मैं इतना जरूर कह सकती हूँ की इन कृतियों में मेरे साथ साथ हर उस लड़की ,औरत,नारी -चाहे जितने नाम कह लो ;की जिंदगी -भावनाएं ;दर्द ;सहनशीलता ;स्वाभिमान ;और विरोध छिपा हुआ है.मैं आशा करती हूँ की इन्हें हर कोई अलग अलग रूप से महसूस कर सकता है ,मेरा ध्येय एक जलती हुई लौव को इस समाज की बीच रखना है जो मानवता की मेरी इस सोच की नीव दाल सके .
हालां की मैं यह सारी चीजें तय करनेकी हकदार नहीं दर्शकों का भी उतना ही हक बनता है ,क्योंकि सब का नजरिया एक समान नहीं ,और इस विविधता की मैं इज्ज़त करती हूँ.मेरा ध्येय किसी भी जात या भात के लोगों का विरोध नहीं है.


SOMETHING MISSING.. isn't it.. well.. as soon as my buzy friends gets time to write about themselves.. i'll post it here.. yet more to come.. more and more...

Lastly... u call dem online friends.. i call it luck and faith...!!


  1. @Pankaj..... Thax yar for giving me such a valuable place in ur wallet.... thanku so much.....

  2. oh my god...pullu,sweetheart thank u very much for giving me a valuable place in ur blog..

  3. ahaaaannn... main thank nu nai bolungi.... kyuki yeh mera hakk hai.. :p... n i guess words cant do ur work at all de times.... just dat love u angels a lot... n i knw hw much now!!!!!
