Thursday, December 22, 2011

Nostalgia moments of diwali..

The fun starts (I'm talking about my childhood days) atleast a fortnight before the new moon day, with those shopping trips for new clothes and more importantly the crackers :) I remember I used to prepare the list of crackers to buy with my bro(chachu) and like a congress bill it goes through some tweaks before the final nod from dad and grandpa!! Zameen chakkars, vishnu chakkar, flowerpots, magnesium ribbons :), 1000 walas, atom/hydrogen bombs, rockets and the list goes on...It used to take multiple visits before the whole list of items is brought home.
On the day of diwali, we used to wake up at 4.30, mom used to light candles and then we burst a few crackers. This is supposed to signify victory over evil or whatever :) Go back into the home, taste something sweet and get ready to meet friends and family was the next course of action. Afternoons go by with a merry nap after a super-heavy lunch :) It's more fun in the evening when the whole city gets on to the streets to burst crackers. It starts with lighting a sprinkler at ~6 and ends 4-5 hrs later mostly with a 1000 wala :) I remember setting up those rockets in a bottle filled with sand, meticulously make sure the angle is right (like a PSLV launch), yet some of them end up in the neighbor's house :D I think we also used to save some crackers for the next couple of days as well :)

I miss those days of being innocent and unknown to this world. Every moment is precious so try to make the most of it. Keep smiling.

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