Friday, February 3, 2012

Blah Blah...

Breathe in, breathe out. Put a smile on, give a little laugh when necessary. Smile, and that says your fine. Why pretend, because no one wants to hear the truth. When you go to a restaurant, or a coffee place, and they ask how are you. Your answer is almost always fine, thanks. But is this true. Not for me. I just pretend. In fact I pretend so much, sometimes I convince myself I'm fine, when deep down I know that I am most certainly not fine. Not even close to fine. I'm a mess, of emotions I don't want to feel. So, I try to hide from them, from myself. I can't do this anymore. I am not fine, but at the same time, its not like I can talk to anyone, I don't have anyone to talk to. All my friends, try to sugarcoat their answers, to put positive spins on things, to protect me... but from what. From the truth. From the truth I myself only know, that I am not fine. Apparently they don't hear me, or they choose not to.
Just goes to prove, no one really wants to know the truth of if you are fine or not. They just want to hear yea, fine, thanks.. and move on with their lives...

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