Sunday, February 26, 2012


I’ve just been reading an article about teenage popstars and I think, ‘man, I’ve really wasted my life so far’. I think I am going to have to change. For a start, I want to either start writing a novel, or publishing some of my poetry. There is a great site,, where you can self-publish, and I’ll use that to do so.
Then I want to find some sort of social activity to take up, I have no idea what though, that can get me out of the house and meeting new people, perhaps even of the female variety. I just hope I can pluck up the courage to see this idea through. Wish me luck!
I think I should also do something to get fitter – I hate looking at all the other guys my age at the pool with euther flat stomachs or even muscles too, compared to my round stomach that folds when sitting (so I keep my top on or cover my stomach with a towel). Although, knowing myself as I do, I doubt I will be bothered to do anything about it once I get back. Especially now there is no girlfriend or one on the horizon.

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