There are milestones in life that get celebrated every year without much fanfare, including birthdays and anniversaries. But some are way more special than just another day on the calendar. Your 16th birthday, your 18th birthday, your 21st birthday, and wedding anniversaries on the fives are all cause for celebration. They’re big milestones for most people.
But none may be more important in this day and age than the 25th wedding anniversary, in my opinion, and that’s why today, 1st March 2012, is special to me. Twenty-five years ago my mom (Sharmila Verma) and dad (Pradip Verma) were married.
While I do not have that much relationship experience (in fact, depending on who you ask, I’ve never had a true girlfriend) I know that I have the two best role models in how to make things work. I’ve been lucky enough to also see my grandparents make it 50-plus years. I have the best role models anyone could ask for.
And while our lives are very busy and we rarely have time to sit down and talk about life like we used to, my mom and dad still play a vital role in my life. Without them, I’m not sure I’d be where I am today. Don’t get me wrong, they’re humble and would tell you that my Sister's and I work our tails off to get to where we are in our lives, but the truth is, without them, we’d be somewhere else.
I love Taylor Swift’s music, and I’d consider myself to be one of those sappy romantics, who believes in the fairy tale ending. One day, if I’m as lucky as the two people I celebrate here, I’ll be able to look back on 25 years of being married in the same way my parents have tonight.
Congrats mom and dad. You two are a shining light, two of the best role models anyone could ask for, and you deserve more than just this little blog post.
(However, if I may interject in my defense, I am a college student—just trying to get by, and busy as heck with Studies and Radio, so you’ll have to deal without a big lavish present at the moment!)
Here’s to the past 25 years (even the 20 when I’ve been here) and many happy more.
Love, your Youngest son,
awwweeeeeeeeeeeessommmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..................Happy Anniversary to u dear aunty and unle...bless us so dat we can succeed wid blessings of elders like u over de coming years :)
ReplyDeletethank you :)