Sunday, February 26, 2012

i don't know why, but i miss her

It finally hit me this morning. It was because I talked to her on Phone for the first time since we split up. I decided to let her to all the talking, but after saying “Hi, how are you?” “Fine” to each other, I finally realised I missed her, but it wasn’t until this morning it fully sunk in.

So, of course, that got me thinking about how much I enjoyed the day we finally met, how well it seemed to go. I started to think how we hugged each other, how we kissed each other, how happy we seemed together. I started to wonder how something that seemed so perfect could be thrown anyway for reasons I can’t fathom. I started to cry. Not too much though, because I am not alone at home today. But I still feel like crying now, though I can hold it in. I miss her.I don’t even know what she thinks of me, and I wished I did.

I am so alone…

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