Sunday, February 26, 2012

What Is It About Me?

I have literally no idea why "........" is the only girl that has ever liked me. Especially when I look at some of the guys some girls are with (not necessarily people that I know, just in general). I’m not exactly an oil painting but I don’t think I’m particularly ugly either. I am very friendly. Okay, I’m shy, I may not make friends easily, but once you get to know me I open up. I suppose I just haven’t met enough girls, been friends with enough girls, to the possibility of having a girlfriend to achieve a statistically strong probability. If you see what I mean. I’m pretty sure I can count the number of proper female friends on two hands, possibly even one. Sure, I kind-of know more girls than that, but they’re not exactly friends of mine either. I suppose I need to get out there really. Somehow…

1 comment:

  1. no buddy...u have a lot of girls who like u...few who care abt u...countables love u :)
    u know wat m toking abt :)
