Monday, April 23, 2012

I Am who I Am

Two years ago I wouldn't be writing this with a positive attitude. I have been through something that changed my life forever. Thats okay though because I love who I am I love who I am becoming.

After my traumatic experience I wasn't the same. I was so sad and always depressed. I wouldn't go anywhere I wouldn't do anything and I could hardly be bothered to leave my room. I was always wondering when the pain was going to go away. I hated being that way, but I wasn't doing anything to fix it.

I would love to say there was another life changing experience that led me to happiness again, but there wasn't. It just took time. I went to self-counseling, I talked with friends and eventually I was learning to deal with it. I was wondering why it happened to me insead of wondering why I survived it.  I survived what happened for a reason. I am now a stronger, smarter, and by far much more wise.

It may have taken me some time to realize that what happened changed me for the best, but I now know that it has. I hope that anyone that has been in a life altering situation chooses to become better because of it. Its not always easy, but it doesn't have to be as hard as we sometimes make it.

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