Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I Too Had A Love Story..

I really have no idea ho to begin this post, Lots of thoughts are
popping in my mind. Feel like sharing every single thing but I know I

Do you believe in love at first sight? Well, I do. I fall in love
everyday when I see a cute girl with good height, Just kidding.
Actually I do believe because one I fell in love, I got to know what
is love.

Guess it was friendship's day, me and few of my friends went to cosmos
mall because few year back only cosmos was the coolest place we knew.
There I spotted a cute barbie like girl sitting with a guy(probably
his friend). I don't know why I couldn't put my eyes off her. Just
wanted to make an eye contact with her. Everything was in slow
motion...That was the first time when I actually realised that there
is something in the universe called LOVE. But that went easy, The next
day was absolutely normal like I never felt something like infatuation
or love.

After a few days I saw her with her another friend. This might sound
cheap but I followed her home. After that things went really fast, my
higher secondary exams, and then life in a Radio. I soon discovered
who she was. I didn't appointed any agent or something but once I went
to an office and saw her. Through that way I actually got to know who
was she. Orkut was really famous those days, I found her on orkut and
sent her a friend request. After a couple of week she accepted the
request. And then started the chatting part. I won't be writing the
exact reality because I don't want to reveal her identity. But soon we
realised that we would make a good friendship. We became friends and I
started having some kind of likeness toward her. But then arrives a
bad news, She was in a relationship. But after knowing that, nothing
changed at all, at times she used to tell me her BF is jealous of me
but most of the times she speaks about me. I don't know if it was
true. I didn't killed those feelings but just accepted the fact that me
and her will never work so I stopped myself
From loving her more and more. She used to share all her problems and
happiness with me. I trusted her and guess she use to do the same. I
sent her surprise gifts on rose day as I already promised her that I
will make that day memorable for her, I don't know if she still
remembers that day or not. But I do.

After a couple of months things were not like before, everything was
perfect but the strong bonding between us went loose for no reason.
Something did created a communication gap between us. But yet we tried
our best to keep this friendship alive. There was a day when we used
to talk whole day and night long, and here is a day when we hardly
see each other, or talk or send forward sms etc.

She had a dream and I always prayed to god help her fulfilling her
dreams. The pray worked and she achieved her dream. And all of a
sudden, she just disappeared. No sign of her. I couldn't find her on
facebook. Don't have her number, nothing....

I guess it was her decision to put an end to everything. I still don't
know why. The worst part, there are rumours in the market that me and
she are/were in a relationship. There are people who says me and she
are couples. I hate listening this. Of course we did shared a good
understanding and friendship but we weren't couples. I agree that once
I loved her but I know that friendship was the best part of our
relationship. I really want to speak to her but don't know how and

Hope she remembers me.

Guess now you have an idea why i named this post "I too had a love story". Sill i'm not sure if it was Love but i wont regret saying that i too fell in love once. I don't know if i will go through that same feeling again but guess i'm not interested or don't want to get into a relationship.

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