Thursday, December 29, 2011

I Think This Will Work

I have to say that I actually kept my 2012 resolutions. I set forth realistic goals so I did not set myself up for failure and had a solid plan and strategy for keeping every one of them. I only made a few and they were biggies. I feel so good about my success.

This year, I am back on par with the previous decades of making New Year's resolutions. I'm overwhelmed with life right now and I have no plan and no strategy for accomplishing any of the things I know I should resolve to do. Any resolution I make will more than likely fail.

I do have an idea, however, one that I really think will work. If all goes as planned, 2012 will be an amazing year.

My resolution: Be happier. Learn to be happier. And don't worry so much.

If I can just figure that much out with my life, I'll be on the road to a better start. Forget losing weight and finding a girlfriend, which have been my consistent resolutions for the last...3 or 4 years. Just be happy. That's all I resolve to do.

Nobody Really Wants to Know ...

It seems people are so busy, so preoccupied, etc. these days they either don't care to listen or are too worried to share the truth of the matter for fear of not being listened to. I can't blame those who don't share ... I'm one of them.

I realize, after an illness, people ask how you are as a social form of a greeting. It's not that they really want to know. And those who do want to know do not want to hear that you aren't doing well. Those who care enough to listen generally only care for so many months. They want to see some progress and improvement - they don't want to hear that you are still ill, have another surgery scheduled, etc. after about month 4.

The socially acceptable response to the automated greeting, "How are you?" is, "I'm okay (or good or anything positive.) How bout you?" Or so it is in my region. I suspect it's not much different anywhere else in the world.

Why are we socially automated? It's very difficult coming from my stand point. "Don't ask me if you don't want to know!" That's the response I adopted after a year or so of illness with no progress. However, since then, in order to maintain any amount of social activity I've had to learn to lie. I used to do it at work all the time - telling people I was fine or even great when it was the worst day ever. Why then should it be so difficult now? I suspect it has much to do with the illness.

I lie about how I am on every level; physical, emotional, just the day itself. I'm transparent and always have been, so it doesn't work well. When I'm caught in my lies I blame it on a new medication that makes me appear tired etc. I have a whole slew of excuses. But it's rare that I ever tell anyone how I truly feel anymore ... Sadly, and to my detriment, I've even begun hiding it from the doctors ...

It's An Act, Even The Pain You See Is Nothing...

I act like I'm okay, I tell people I'm okay, and even when people can tell I'm unhappy, I don't show them almost anything. Hatred, rage, and self-loathing are eating me alive.
I feel so incredibly horrible most of the time. Something inside me never lets me be truly happy. I can be temporarily content, but not truly happy. Whenever I almost become happy, my mind tells me something. It tells me things like: You're worthless, you know you have to die, you'll never be anyone or amount to anything, you're hideous, or you know you can't and never will be happy. I hide many many thoughts and feelings from everyone. I know that keeping it in is bad, but if people knew some of this..... They'd either think I'm a monster or think I need to be back in the loony bin...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Broken Inside

We all pretend to be okay...wether its at the beside of a dying loved one or in the middle of a test with 20 million problems on your mind and wishing you could just let go and burst into tears.

i've been through both of these and the 1st one we do because of compassion..we don't want our loved one to go through any more emotional pain by seeing the people they love crying....

but the second one is the one when we feel the most fake...we feel alone...guilty...and unfair....why is it that we dont share how we feel with people who are willing to listen???????

because we care too much what they will think....its just a petty problem??...its a silly reason to cry???'s all just for attention???.........all of these things are what we feel is going through the persons head if we say how we feel.

sometimes it's just too painful to say out loud and we prefer to live in denial and keep the pain locked inside in the hope that it will go away.

All these we do are normal but there will be a point in your life when you no longer have control...or you finally burst out....or you realise the pain you are putting the people who care abput you through because they are worried.

just make sure you don't make the mistake that many people including myself have made by leaving it until the last minute when people have stopped caring and whne your finally ready to share they don't want to listen.

Again Today

I pretended again today.
I smiled the same smile, laughed the same laugh...
Like an alien from another planet, I impersonated the human form perfectly.
No suspect, no question, no wondering..

I gave off the vibe of happiness and content..
I asked the right questions and gave the right answers.
Noone could see, noone heard
I hid in broad daylight

Only when I was alone, only when I was sure noone would know..
Did I let myself be free, pretending no more, and allowing the tears to flow..

I pretended again today...

The "mask" We Wear

At times all of us use a so called "mask" to hide our true emotions putting on a smile when you see the girl/guy you like in the hands of another making you sad inside but cant help but feel sad on the inside. Well I can say that I am hiding my true emotions under this "mask" called a smile. Hiding all the pain and saddness knowing that I'm not okay with what I'm seeing that I want to become happy but I cant. That what people around me like my father say things like that I can never get a girlfriend and that I'm lying about having a trauma of rejection from the very girls I liked saying that Im batting for the other team and try to laugh it of knowing that he understands nothing of what I went through because of how I am and hate myself sometimes for it because I try to change but its just to hard. I've always pretended to be alright giving off that smile and laughter during the the day while turning to tears and saddness at night when nobody can see you. I pretend nothings wrong when I see a couple being lovey dovey seeing them happy and thinking that I will never be that way because of how I am. So yeah I do pretend to be okay but its all just a "mask" meant to hide what Im truely feeling inside.

All Alone And So Not Ok I Fake A Smile (i wrote this when i was in 8th standard)

I get bullied and teased at school all the time.I fake a smile everyday.I tried telling one of my friends but she didn't listen.She didn't care.She just said 'well,no one beats you up so you're ok'.But let me tell you,for me the insider,emotional,mental pain is way worse than physical.Of course physical pain can cause emotional pain,but I'm way more emotional,easier to upset,more shy and quieter than all my other friends so it's harder for me to deal with just one type of pain.When the things at school get worse I start getting all sorts of weird thoughts and suicidal feelings. My family don't listen either.They just say 'stand up for yourself'.The thing is I can't.It's just too hard.So I pretend that I'm ok. I guess I'm all alone.

I'ts Meanwhile A Part Of Me

No matter how hurt or down I am, I always show a smile or at least pretend that I'm alright.
I think I try to prevent that I would let out everything and tell someone about everything that's at that moment curled up inside me, and I want to protect my friends. So often meanwhile I got to know how much it hurt them when I told them what is bothering me. But at the same time, it hurts them when I don't tell them. Seems as if there's no way to don't hurt anyone or get hurt.
It's really like a part of me though that I hide things. Never show weakness, just be strong in front of everyone. That was what I was thaught as a child. And people like you more when you're always the strong one... and with time they don't even care to look behind the mask -why should they even when they get what they need without it.
I often noticed that... when you're just smiling and are alright.... when I don't show weakness, then no one finds a spot to hurt me even more.
The more I hate myself when I break down too much and let my friends see how ****** up I really am.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Nostalgia moments of diwali..

The fun starts (I'm talking about my childhood days) atleast a fortnight before the new moon day, with those shopping trips for new clothes and more importantly the crackers :) I remember I used to prepare the list of crackers to buy with my bro(chachu) and like a congress bill it goes through some tweaks before the final nod from dad and grandpa!! Zameen chakkars, vishnu chakkar, flowerpots, magnesium ribbons :), 1000 walas, atom/hydrogen bombs, rockets and the list goes on...It used to take multiple visits before the whole list of items is brought home.
On the day of diwali, we used to wake up at 4.30, mom used to light candles and then we burst a few crackers. This is supposed to signify victory over evil or whatever :) Go back into the home, taste something sweet and get ready to meet friends and family was the next course of action. Afternoons go by with a merry nap after a super-heavy lunch :) It's more fun in the evening when the whole city gets on to the streets to burst crackers. It starts with lighting a sprinkler at ~6 and ends 4-5 hrs later mostly with a 1000 wala :) I remember setting up those rockets in a bottle filled with sand, meticulously make sure the angle is right (like a PSLV launch), yet some of them end up in the neighbor's house :D I think we also used to save some crackers for the next couple of days as well :)

I miss those days of being innocent and unknown to this world. Every moment is precious so try to make the most of it. Keep smiling.

Gone are those days....

Gone are the days!!!

When The school reopened in June,

And we settled in our new desks and

When we queued up in book depot,
And got our new books and notes!

When we wanted two Sundays and no Mondays,
Yet managed to line up daily for the morning prayers.

We learnt writing with slates and pencils, and
progressed to fountain pens and ball pens and then Micro tips!

When we began drawing with crayons and evolved to
Color pencils and finally sketch pens!

When we started calculating
first with tables and then with
Clarke's tables and advanced to
Calculators and computers!

When we chased one another in the
corridors in Intervals, and returned to the classrooms
drenched in sweat!

When we had lunch in classrooms, corridors,
under the trees and even in cycle sheds!

When all the colors in the world,
decorated the campus on the Second Saturdays!

When a single P.T. period in the week's Time Table,
Was awaited more eagerly than the monsoons!

When cricket was played with writing pads as bats,
And Neckties and socks rolled into balls!

When few played
"kabadi" and "Kho-Kho" in scorching sun,

While others simply played
"book cricket" in the
Confines of classroom!

Of fights but no conspiracies,
Of Competitions but seldom jealousy!

When we used to
watch Live Cricket telecast,
In the opposite house in Intervals and Lunch breaks!

When few rushed at 3:45 to
"Conquer" window seats in our School bus!
While few others had "Big Fun", "peppermint",
"kulfi", " milk ice !" and "sharbat !" at 4 ' o ' Clock!

Gone are the days

Of Sports Day,
and the annual School Day ,
And the one-month long
preparations for them.

Gone are the days

Of the stressful Quarterly,
Half Yearly and Annual Exams, And the most
enjoyed holidays after them!

Gone are the days

Of tenth and twelfth standards, when
We Spent almost the whole year writing revision tests!

We learnt,

We enjoyed,

We played,

We won,

We lost,

We laughed,

We cried,

We fought,

We thought.

With so much fun in them, so many friends,

So much experience, all this and more!

Gone are the days

When we used
to talk for hours with our friends!
Now we don't have time to say a 'Hi'!

Gone are the days

When we sat to chat with Friends on grounds!
Now we chat in chat rooms.....!

Gone are the days

Where we
studied just to pass!
Now we study to save our job!
Gone are the days

Where we had no money in our pockets and still fun filled on our hearts!!
Now we have the atm as well as credit card but with an empty heart!!

Gone are the days

Where we shouted on the road!
Now we don't shout even at home

Gone are the days

Where we got lectures from all!
Now we give lectures to all... like the one I'm doing now....!!

Gone are the days

But not the memories, which will be
Lingering in our hearts for ever and ever and
Ever and ever and ever .....

Gone are the Days.... But still there are lot more Days to come in our Life!!





LIVE-- LONG , HEALTHY AND HAPPY LIFE...........................................

Bidding adieu to our colleuge Nupur..

Through my life I’ve learned it and experienced it in many ways. When people pass away, when your friends and family move; go away from you. Maybe because of their jobs, maybe because of their studies… Maybe they’ll come back or maybe they won’t!!!

I love what I do here… I enjoyed it throughout my working period here… but one thing was always lacking… that is a person that whom you can really interact with… someone who would really tone with me. A good person whom you really can treat and accept as a friend… these people have the tendency to recruit people who are to a different category as to mine… She did fit in to the category… and we made very good friendship… She was eternally enthusiastic at her work; loved what she did; wanted the best for the company. She is one of the people who didn’t have the “ah well… the hell I should bother… I’d join somewhere else if it gets any harder here!!” attitude.

(Obviously we’d still keep in touch and all that…. Not that the friendship will end or something…)

Really She is a Darling for all and it can only be said that ‘’some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same’’.

Before you leave, I wanted to remind you what a pleasure it was working for you these last 2 years. I appreciated your support and working style and feel I learned a great deal here.

So I bid her farewell and wish her all the best at her new place… good luck my friend I know that you’d do very well wherever you are… It was nice working with you…and having you around!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

a reason to smile

There are very less, who gives a reason to smile,
May be it is for long, or a little while.
One have to give out a sweet and honest smile,
Just even to make someone smile for a while.

My eyes are in habit of tears,
Still there are moments when it does hears,
A pleasant smile from my heart with eyes full of tears.
Tears are more but no one is there to care,
Because a smile on the face makes it pretty, dear.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is LOVE..

I'm trying to figure out
what love is all about
sometimes u feel happy
sometimes u feel sad
but after all those good times
nothing should really be too bad
u give u'r all to someone
hoping she will be the one
until u see a morning sun
telling u all is finished & done
u loved her so much
but her feelings were not such
now u feel depressed & down
like a king without a crown
after a few days when u smile
even just for a little while
soon u realize it's fake
u'r just trying to hide u'r heartache
Now u talk to urself
with u'r reflection
u'r heart is dead
but it will make a resurrection
Time will pass
and u'r wounds will heal
u'r heart once again
will start to feel
all those times together
weren't in vain
nothing is lost
but everything is gained
gained is the pleasure of giving
and LOVE is
the other name of GIVING.........!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

I Will..!!

Today I will make a difference. I will begin by controlling my thoughts. A person is the product of his thoughts. I want to be happy and hopeful. Therefore, I will have thoughts that are happy and hopeful. I refuse to be victimized by my circumstances. I will not let petty inconveniences such as stoplights, long lines, and traffic jams be my masters. I will avoid negativism and gossip. Optimism will be my companion, and victory will be my hallmark. Today I will make a difference.
I will be grateful for the twenty-four hours that are before me. Time is a precious commodity. I refuse to allow what little time I have to be contaminated by self-pity, anxiety, or boredom. I will face this day with the joy of a child and the courage of a giant. I will drink each minute as though it is my last. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. While it is here, I will use it for loving and giving. Today I will make a difference.
I will not let past failures haunt me. Even though my life is scarred with mistakes, I refuse to rummage through my trash heap of failures. I will admit them. I will correct them. I will press on. Victoriously. No failure is fatal. It’s OK to stumble… I will get up. It’s OK to fail… . I will rise again. Today I will make a difference.
I will spend time with those I love. My spouse, my children, my family. A man can own the world but be poor for the lack of love. A man can own nothing and yet be wealthy in relationships. Today I will spend at least five minutes with the significant people in my world. Five quality minutes of talking or hugging or thanking or listening. Five undiluted minutes with my mate, children, and friends.
Today I will make a difference.

No One's Perfect

A man and his girlfriend were married. It was a large celebration. All of their friends and family came to see the lovely
ceremony and to partake of the festivities and celebrations. A wonderful time was had by all. The bride was gorgeous in her white wedding gown and the groom was very dashing in his black tuxedo. Everyone could tell that the love they had for each other was true. A few months later, the wife comes to the husband with a proposal: "I read in a magazine, a while ago, about how we can strengthen our marriage." she offered. "Each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit annoying with the other person. Then, we can talk about how we can fix them together and make our lives happier together." The husband agreed. So each of them went to a separate room in the house and thought of the things that annoyed them about the other. They thought about this question for the rest of the day and wrote down what they came up with. The next morning, at the breakfast table, they decided that they would go over their lists. "I'll start,"offered the wife. She took out her list. It had many items on it. Enough to fill 3 pages, in fact. As she started reading the list of the little annoyances, she noticed that tears were starting to appear in her husbands eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing" the husband replied, "keep reading your list." The wife continued to read until she had read all three pages to her husband. She neatly placed her list on the table and folded her hands over top of it. "Now, you read your list and then we'll talk about the things on both of our lists." She said happily. Quietly the husband stated, "I don't have anything on my list. I think that you are perfect the way that you are. I don't want you to change anything for me. You are lovely and wonderful and I wouldn't want to try and change
anything about you." The wife, touched by his honesty and the depth of his love for her and his acceptance of her, turned

IN LIFE, there are enough times when we are disappointed, depressed and annoyed. We don't really have to go looking for them. We have a wonderful world that is full of beauty, light and promise. Why waste time in this world looking for the bad, disappointing or annoying things when we can look around us, and see the wondrous things before us? I believe that WE ARE HAPPIEST WHEN we see and praise the good and try our best to forego the mistakes of our spouse Nobody's perfect but we can find perfection in them to change the way we see them. Its is necessary to understand the difficulties and be a helping hand to each other....THAT BRIGHTENS THE RELATIONSHIP.

Political India

Recently Sonia Gandhi went to a school to interact with the children there. After a brief talk she asked if anyone had any questions. One boy raised his hand.

Sonia: "What's your name"?

Boy : "RAHIM"

Sonia: "What are your questions"?

Rahim: "I've 3 questions...

1. Why did you attack & kidnap Baba Ramdev without approval of Court?

2. Why there is no punishment to KASAB as yet?

3. Why does Manmohan singh & the Congress party not support Baba against corruption?

Sonia: "You are an intelligent student Rahim."

Just then the recess bell rang.

Sonia: "Oh students, we wil continue after the recess is over".

After the recess...

Sonia: "Ok children where were we? So, anybody wants to ask a question"?

RAM raises his hand.

Sonia: "What's your name"?

Ram: "I'm Ram and I've 5 questions...

1. Why did you attack Baba without approval of the court?

2. Why no punishment to Kasab as yet?

3. Why does Manmohan Singh not support the fight against corruption?

4. Why did the recess bell ring 20 mins before the time?

5. Where is Rahim?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Can money buy happiness

We all need money, that is a simple fact in today´s world. In times of depression we hear heartbreaking stories of people losing their jobs and homes. Saying to them money doesn´t bring happiness would be completely thoughtless and cruel. To the less fortunate ones money equals the continuing of their normal every day life - and that normal life is where we find our true happiness in life. So yes - money can be a great factor in bringing happiness in life.

money and happiness - happy money And what about those who have their jobs? How often do they sacrifice their whole life to the pursuit of money? Now there are many people who feel true satisfaction in the game - they love to work long hours, and we should let them do just that. Let them follow their passion. Because money can be a great motivator in achieving better things in life (and everyone should define themselves what that means to them).

Still - often we hear stories of how these long working hours have caused problems in peoples personal lives because they don't have time for their friends and family. Their life values are heavily tipped on one side and one day they may find money is the only friend they have left. Can money buy happiness in such a situation? Money and happiness sure don't seem to go hand in hand in these cases...

Where then lies the balance between personal life and a life spent pursuing money and possessions? How to balance the stress?

Our society's values are quite hard - most often we label people according to how much money they make. Often we don't even question those values, don't see them. But when we, or someone we love, face hard times and money doesn't flow in as it used to - that's when we often realize money cannot define a person's value. We know these people, their good characteristics, their warm personalities and big hearts - and those haven't disappeared even if money did. So it hurts us too to hear others judge our loved ones because they don't have prosperity any more.

Those are also the times when many so called "friends" disappear. It's like they are afraid poverty is contagious. Or are they afraid they will be asked to loan money to their friends in need? Of course you may ask were they really friends to begin with - or just people who were more interested in someone else's money - and how they could benefit from that.

And then there is envy. Not many can be truly happy when a friend suddenly becomes rich. "It just isn´t fair! Why him? Why not me?" Sound familiar? Also there seems to be a deep rooted belief that if someone is rich, then surely she/he got the money through abusing others somehow. And if a rich person loses their money, there are many who get malicious pleasure from that. And yet - if someone has lots of money, it is more likely she/he will use that money and buy things and so keep the wheels of economy rolling.

So obviously our whole attitude towards money is a very diverse subject.

I believe money and happiness don´t exclude each other. Because what is money to us, really? I´ve come to think it represents freedom - freedom to do what we want, when we want to do it. To be our true selves with less stress. But we can do things like that even without money, too.

Also money give us the chance to make good things happen to others too - we can help others in really tangible ways. Money and happiness really go hand in hand in those situations.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dedicate to someone who is no more in my life,, i use to call her dabbu

The first time I laid eyes on you
A seed was sown within me.
Since then it has grown,
Its creeping tendrils ensnaring my heart,
Filling my head with thoughts of you.
Now a fiery blossom is blooming,
Radiating passion, stirring up longing.
Each day with you,
These feelings grow stronger.
Standing near you I am enchanted
For I am in the presence of an angel.
No longer can these feelings be held in.
From my chest they burst outward
In this confusion only one thing is certain.
I love you.

Inside I die

I see the stars sparkling so bright,
Within the moon kissed sky.
I hear the lark so sweetly sing,
Amidst the morning dawn.
I smell the flower full in bloom,
And see their royal pomp.

And yet some place so deep within,
I'm shrouded and I'm closed.
The brilliance there I can't see,
In mists of misery.
Enshrined inside, unable thus,
To touch the warmth without.

I gaze upon this passion spent,

And yet . . . Inside I die.....!!!

I am alone

I am alone,
so very alone

I hurt,
so very bad

I am ignored,
just thrown aside

I am security,
for others to have

I am lonely,
there is no one close,
no one sees the pain

I cry,
hope is gone

I am alone,
and no one knows

Acid Rain

Thinking of you - acid rain falls -
or are those tears which burn
fiery paths of hurt down my
face and on my neck - where I
can't swallow or breathe - can
this choking be my end? Yes -
but the pain has just begun
as the heart thirsts for love
but only soaks in anguish - which
drains it of life - tearing
a jagged scar - a raw wound
open and screeching - echoing
through a tortured mind -
then time is the enemy -
all that remains
is a skeleton of
agonistic spirit -
singing a haunting melody -
"I'll love you to the bitter end."


all I can see.
nothing remains.

dripping slowly away
the tides recede
and I stand

I look down from the precipice
that is my life
and wonder where the tides go.

will they return to fill
my gaping soul?

or will the waters dry
to flow no more
and leave me standing
and breathless?

all I can do is

watching from my precipice,
all I can do is wonder.

Monday, June 20, 2011

We Will Be Together

Not holding you in my arms is tearing me apart.
Being away is something I never imagined from the start.
I never thought we'd fall in love, so mad.
I never realized life without you would be so bad.
The gentle reassurance in your hand
led me away to a make-believe land.
Now my heart can't resist, but to yearn for your warmly embraced kiss.
And being with you is something I miss.
The things I'd give to have you in my arms -
To just hold you close and protect you from harm.
They said it will never work because of our age;
To them my love for you was just a phase.
When they came in our world and tore it apart,
It soon became a broken-promise land of the heart.
They don't know what we've been through,
How much you love me and I love you.
This can't be over; we're still not through.
There's so much we haven't shared - so much we promised to do.
I don't know how to hide my love enough so it doesn't show.
I can't hold back and refuse to let go.
If they only knew how you made me feel,
With all the problems you helped me deal.
How you taught me I was much more than I had ever thought -
All of the Joy, Happiness, and Love to me you brought.
You showed me I was beautiful outside and in,
And showed me true love time and time again.
One day I will return to you all you have given me,
In some shape or form; soon you'll see.
Send a message to my heart; promise me we will never part.
One day we will be able to be together every day,
And we won't have to worry what they say.
So when the time comes, promise me you'll take my hand and be with me
forever as long as we can.

A piece of me

When you're down and feeling blue
Think of me and I'll be there for you.
Take my hand and I will hold you tight.

If your burden seems too heavy
Call my name and I'll ease some of your pain.
You can lean on me my darling.

When everything seems so wrong
Reach out for me and we will make it right.
Let's get strong together we can fight.

Don't ever think that you are alone
Cause I'm with you all along.
For always we will stand strong.

I love you seems good to hear
But my feelings for you
Can't be define by saying only I love you.

Because my love, I will do anything for you
For us to make us grow.
Even stormy weather or Tsunami comes our way.
There's no way my love go astray.

I know these are only words
But know my love that this is a piece of me
Telling you this to make you see.

That I'll always be there
Through good and bad times.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

god do exist...

A man went to a barber shop to have his hair and his beard cut as always. He began to have a good conversation with the barber who attended him. They talked about so many things and various subjects. Suddenly, they touched on the subject of God.

The barber said: "Look man, I don't believe that God exists."

"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.

"Well, it's so easy,you just have to go out in the street to realize that God does not exist."


"tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children?
If God exists,there would be no suffering nor pain. I can't think of loving a God who permits all of these things."

The customer thought for a moment, but he didn't respond because he did not want to start an argument.The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop.

Just after he left the barber shop, he saw a man in the street with long hair and a beard.

It was very long, and a long time since he had his hair cut. He looked dirty and unkempt.

The customer entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist."

"How can you say they don't exist?"asked the surprised barber. " I am here and I am a barber. Why I just worked on you!"

"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist, because if they did there would be no people with long hair and beard like that man who is outside."

"Ah, barbers do exist, what happens is that people do not come to me."

"Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God does exist. What happens is people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."

Monday, May 23, 2011

Why should we believe in love..

We are going through a very peculiar period, mainly in respect to subjects that concern the heart, affective relations and our availability to love or, at least, try to.

No matter how much we talk about these possibilities, how much we look forward for great romances, there is something contradictory in the air… We have a general and well-known difficulty in trusting the others, a fear to surrender, besides the apparent (or real) human wickedness, in detriment of what has been promised and what was expressed as being a deep and genuine feeling.

It looks as if a person were in love one day… and, on the following, everything were over. So, why should we go on believing in love? Why should we go on investing, betting, and opening space for new relationships?

You know, no matter of how much I believe – and I truly do! – that there are noble, sincere and transparent persons who do look forward to living relationships founded on respect for themselves and the others, sometimes some incidents really shock me and I inevitably ask: myself if insisting in this search would not be pure innocence and even stubbornness.

Couples who have everything to be happy, people who really want happiness, disheartened and fragile men and women that would give their best in trying to feel a little – even if just a little – less lost, less confused, safer, more fulfilled… and however, fall in traps without knowing how to avoid them.

Lies, deceits, pains, incoherencies or mere and sudden diagnoses of what seemed to be a special meeting suddenly has no flavor… What a mess..., how sad and miserable such a situation appears... and gives each partner - or both - a dreadful feeling of not knowing what happened.

And as we experience one disenchantment after another, we loose our faith in life, our joy and become disheartened, empty, hurt, and not willing to give it a new try...

It would be easy for me to talk about so many couples that I see in love, happy and completing each other… because I do believe this is possible and I can see many relationships like these. However, lately, I have been receiving testimonies of people who feel incapable of engaging in a new relationship because they can no longer face unhappiness and, definitively, refuse to be disappointed once more…

Such people cannot see or believe something that does not happen to them, but I still have something that, in my opinion, will convince us not to give up.

We create our world. We are people: you and me, and all that live in your house, everybody you know and also who you don’t. Love and relationships are reflections of each one of us, of our choices and intentions. The world is a consequence of these people. And this includes you and me, and some six billions of souls.

Therefore, in order to change this reality, something inside us must change in such a strong and positive manner that it will be able to change this external reality. And however insignificant you feel your belief, your choice or your attitude looks towards the immensity of the universe, this is just an illusion.
You can hardly imagine the importance you have in this scenery and in the intense process of evolution and mature ness our planet is going through. And if you give up, if you do not believe in love, much will be lost. Hundreds of people will suffer for that reason.
You may even not believe what I’m saying but it is a fact and it is logic. This is why I do ask you to take a deep breath and give yourself one more chance, with no restrictions and without pointing fingers at each other, but keeping in mind you are doing your utmost for it to work out.

Thus, love will become bigger and deeper and even if it is only your grandsons who enjoy the outcomes, the world will be happier and with more love because of you!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nothing is impossible

Nothing is impossible in life... see

21 yrs back in his grandma's place..

From one of the poorest family's chair to the most powerful chair in the world...!!!

Attitude leads person to any destiny...keep on moving...

O- Originally
B - Born in
A - Africa to
M - Manage
A – America


Like a star you came into my life
You filled my heart with joy
You took my pain as if it was yours
You provided me with love that no one could give me
You gave me a shoulder to cry on
You were my pillar when I was falling
You were my strength when I was weak
With your smile you made my living on earth worthwhile
With the soft words you whispered in my ear
Made me realize that I was in Love indeed
Without you next to me my life is meaningless
Every day I sit and pray that you will remain as sweet as you are
And that is why I will always Love you as long as you let me

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

MUSIC.. can change your life..

You all know the old adage – “Music Hath Charms to Soothe the Savage Beast” – in actuality, it has been forever misquoted – it’s really “…to soothe the savage breast” –but either way, there can be no denying music’s power to change moods, and particularly from a somber or angry one – to happier.
Most people intuitively know that listening to music when they are feeling down or depressed can bolster their spirits. However recent research studies have shown that music, especially certain tones can clinically reduce stress. Music can alter brainwave patterns, as can yoga, deep breathing, and meditation – and bring on what is known as the Alpha State. Alpha is described as a state of deep relaxation, where the mind is totally stress-free and more open to problem solving. Using music to relax when dwelling on a particular problem then, may not only elevate your mood – but could help you reach that “a-ha” moment and find a solution.
Music has also been shown to increase the level of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which are linked to mood. In this way music has been shown not only to make you feel good – but also, to be a great motivator. For example, during exercise, listening to music can keep you going, or get you to exercise more by helping you to ignore negative feelings of fatigue and focus on the pleasurable feelings you get from being absorbed in the music.
From Gregorian Chants to Gospel Music, there is a spiritual aspect to music that is undeniable. There is not a human culture in existence now or in antiquity that has not had music as part of religious ritual. There is even a belief that each of us has or can find his or her own “Power Song” that can help us to achieve all we want in life.
But beyond “The Search for the Lost Chord” – or the scientific rational of how or why music can change mood– music is at its most basic essence recorded emotion. When we listen to a piece of music we share the artist’s feelings on a visceral level. True, that can be sad, and who among us hasn’t put on a painful love song to share in the misery after a bad break-up. But, by the same token, we can share in the elation of songs of joy and happiness, or any song or piece of music that reminds us of a particular happy time in our past.
So next time you are feeling down, put on Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” – or dust off your Bob Dylan albums – you may, or may not connect with the “Harmonic Vibrations of the Universe” but I bet you will feel a whole lot better about whatever it was that was bothering you!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Why Boys prefer joining BAJAJ ALLIANZ


Give yourself a good enough reason and you can get yourself to do whatever must be done. Give yourself a meaningful enough reason why, and it will happen.
Make yourself an offer that you can't refuse. Give yourself a reason that you cannot resist.

In an instant you can go from apathetic and unmotivated to enthusiastic and energetic. All you have to do is find that raw nerve of authentic desire, and touch it.

Allow yourself to want what you really want. Then allow yourself to be driven by that desire.
Every possibility is open to you. Latch on to one so positive and compelling that it won't leave you alone until you make it happen.

Give yourself a good enough reason and you'll give yourself plenty of motivation. Give yourself a good enough reason and you'll have no trouble moving quickly and decisively forward

Baade logon ki Baddi baatien..

Mr. Rahul Gandhi do this work just for an hour....without media.
Then tell us what you got...
If you really want to Change our India....No need to show us.....
We will follow you......Definitely.

“Karunaa”Nidhi Fasting

This is the comedy of the year.............. .Fasting starts after breakfast and ending before lunch. Interesting one!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

kids are the greatest teacher..!!

It was mid may. Me and my friend were at Big Bazaar. She had been shopping withher Mom in Big Bazaar. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful long haired, freckle faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout. We all stood there under the awning of the Big Bazaar. We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up their hurried day.

I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child come pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.

Her voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in. "Mom, let's run through the rain," she said.
"What?" Mom asked.
"Let's run through the rain!" She repeated.
"No, beta. We'll wait until it slows down a bit," Mom replied.
This young child waited about another minute and repeated: "Mom, let'srun through the rain."
"We'll get soaked if we do," Mom said.

No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning," the young girl said as she tugged at her Mom's arm. "This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?" "Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, 'If God can get us through this, he can get us through anything!"

The entire crowd stopped dead silent. I swear you couldn't hear anything but the rain. We all stood silently. No one came or left in the next few minutes. Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say. Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child's life.

A time when innocent trust can be nurtured so that it will bloom into faith. "beta, you are absolutely right. Let's run through the rain. If GOD let's us get wet, well maybe we just needed washing," Mom said. Then off they ran. We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars and yes, through the puddles. They held their shopping bags over their heads just in case. They got soaked. But they were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars. And yes, we did. We ran. We got wet. We needed washing.

Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your health. But no one can ever take away your precious memories...

Reasons Why We Indian Cannot be a Terrorists

1. We are always late; we would have missed all 4 flights.

2. We would talk loudly and bring attention to ourselves.

3. With free food & drinks on the plane, we would forget why we're there.

4. We talk with our hands; therefore we would have to put our weapons down.

5. We would ALL want to fly the plane.

6. We would argue and start a fight in the plane.

7. We can't keep a secret; we would have told everyone a week before doing it.

8. We would have put our Country's flag on the wind shield.

9. We would have postponed the mission because a cricket match was going on that day.

10. We would have fallen over each other to be in the photograph being taken with the hostages

boss to boss rahenge..

When I Take a long time to finish,
I am slow,
When my boss takes a long time,
he is thorough

When I don't do it,
I am lazy,
When my boss does not do it,
he is busy,

When I do something without being told,
I am trying to
be smart,
When my boss does the same,
he takes the initiative,

When I please my boss,
I am apple polishing,
When my boss pleases his boss,
he is cooperating,

When I make a mistake,
I' am an idiot.
When my boss makes a mistake,
he's only human.

When I am out of the office,
I am wondering around.
When my boss is out of the office,
he's on business.

When I am on a day off sick,
I am always sick.
When my boss is a day off sick,
he must be very ill.

When I apply for leave,
I must be going for an
When my boss applies for leave,
it's because he's

When I do good,
my boss never remembers,
When I do wrong,
he never forgets

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Yesterday, I was driving, and the FM radio went off for few seconds. I thought, I should have an iPod. Then suddenly I realized that I have not used my iPod in last 6 months. And then… more things, Handy cam in last 2 years, Digital Camera in last 2 months, DVD player in last 1 month and many more. Now I can say that I bought that Handy cam just out of impulse, I have used it twice only in last 4 years.

So, whats wrong and where? When I look at myself or my friends I can see it everywhere.We are not happy with what we have but all are stressed and not happy for the things we don’t have. You have a Santro, but you want City… You have a City, but you want Skoda. Just after buying a new phone, we need another one. Better laptop, bigger TV, faster car, bigger house, more money… .I mean, these examples are endless. The point is, does it actually worth? Do we ever think if we actually need those things before we want them?

After this, I was forced to think what I need and what I don’t. May be I didn’t need this Handy cam or the iPod or that DVD player. When I see my father back at home. He has a simple BPL color tv, he doesn’t need 32″Sony LCD wall mount. He has a cellphone worth Rs 2,500. Whenever I ask him to change the phone, he always says… “Its a phone, I need this just for calls.” And believe me; he is much happier in life than me with those limited resources and simple gadgets. The very basic reason why he is happy with so little is that he doesn’t want things in life to make it luxurious, but he wants only those things which are making his life easier.It’s a very fine line between these two, but after looking my father’s life style closely, I got the point. He needs a cell phone but! not the iPhone. He needs a TV but not the 32″plasma. He needs a car but not an expensive one.

Initially I had lot of questions.

I am earning good, still I am not happy…...why ?

I have all luxuries, still I am stressed........... why ?

I had a great weekend, still I am feeling tired...... why?

I met lot of people, I thought over it again and again, I still don’t know if I got the answers, but certainly figured out few things. I realize that one thing which is keeping me stressed is the “stay connected” syndrome. I realized that, at home also I am logged in on messengers, checking mails, using social networks, and on the top of that, the windows mobile is not letting me disconnected. On the weekend itself, trying to avoid unwanted calls…and that is keeping my mind always full of stress. I realized that I am spending far lesser money than what I earn, even then I am always worried about money and more money. I realized that I am saving enough money I would ever need, whenever needed. Still I am stressed about job and salary and spends.

May be, many people will call this approach “not progressive attitude“, but I want my life back.Ultimately it’s a single life, a day gone is a day gone. I believe if I am not happy tonight, I’ll never be happy tomorrow morning. I finally realized that meeting friends, spending quality time with your loved one’s; spending time with yourself is the most important thing. If on Sunday you are alone and you don’t have anybody to talk with, then all that luxuries life, all that money is wasted. May be cutting down your requirements, re-calculating your future goal in the light of today’s happiness is a worthwhile thing to do. May be selling off your Santro and buying Honda City on EMIs is not a good idea. I believe putting your happiness ahead of money is the choice we need to make.

I think, a lot can be said and done but what we need the most is re-evaluation of the value of happiness and time we are giving to our life and people associate with it.

Another Day

I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the day ends.

I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important.
My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have.

Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or ...
I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free.

Today I can grumble about my health or... I can rejoice that I am alive.

Today I can mourn my lack of friends or...
I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships.

Today I can whine because I have to go to work or...
I can shout for joy because I have a job to do.

Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or...
I can feel honored because Life has provided shelter for my mind, body and soul

Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped.
And here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping.

What today will be like is up to me.
I get to choose what kind of day I will have!

Why Not Have A Great Day!


Kindness is one of the most powerful tools available to you. Kindness can Positively transform your world in a way that nothing else can. When your Heart is filled with kindness, your thoughts and actions are driven by a
Positive, creative force. Instead of being needlessly distracted by anger, Envy or despair, your eyes are more fully open to the many valuable Possibilities.

Act with kindness toward others. You'll create an atmosphere of Understanding and cooperation in which amazing things can be accomplished. Be kind to yourself. You'll make it possible to clearly focus your
Considerable creative energy on achieving the highest and best of your Dreams.

Choose to act with kindness, and you free yourself from the heavy burden of Negativity. Persist in your kindness, and you rise to higher and higher Levels of true, meaningful accomplishment. Kindness transforms profoundly and spreads quickly. Let kindness freely flow From you, and it will surely change your world...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Meaning of relationship with female friends

Girls' relationship with guys is a bigger mystery than girls themselves. It's not just about boyfriends, we're talking about guy friends that gals have.
Do you have a gal who is just a friend? Are you confused why the frequency of calls increases as exams come closer? Or why she always hangs around with the moron who isn't fit to wear Jeetendra's white shoes? Here's a ready reckoner for you:

* just a friend *
Well, you are like a show piece in my house. I will call you whenever I need you. If you call me home the chances are 9 out of 10 times she might say, "Oh Raj, I am going out can you call me after 2 days??"

Raj: "Where are you going Shilpa??"
Shilpa: "None of your business" and bangs the phone.(Useless fellow.Hmmph!).

* Good Friend *
You are like a TV remote control. I need you and I know that but I try using you when I really need you.

Raj calls: "Hi Shilpa",
Shilpa: "Hi Raj. I am going out with family I will call you back. Bye"

(Shilpa eventually calls back after two days)
Shilpa: "What do you want Raj? Why did you call that day?"..
Raj: "Generally".

Shilpa: "Oh ok. I got to go out. Will call you later. Bye."
Will call when she needs lecture notes or some concert tickets.

* Very good friend *
Well you are like the pressure cooker safety value for the girl, she will need you when she wants to bring out her pain or anger on someone. Basically, she wants to talk to you and you are special toher.

Shilpa: "You know Raj, Shekhar is not eating. He doesn't sleep and is not able to concentrate on his studies. I think he doesn't like me anymore and yesterday I saw him with another girl".
Raj: "Who is Shekhar??"

Shilpa : "My boyfriend."
Raj: Oh! ok.

* Best Friend *
You are like the auto rickshaw driver. She can't live without you and don't be mistaken, You are not her boyfriend. But you are allowed to take her little doggie around the park so that he (not you!) can have fun.

Raj Shopping. Raj Movie. Raj Coffee Raj, you pay. I am having fun.

Raj is now sure that he should go ahead and propose. He dares.
Shilpa: "But I thought we were just friends. We should remain friends Raj. Plus, I have a boy friend you know that."
Raj: What?? (Raj drinks all night).

* Best of the Bestest Friends *
Ok now you are really special, You are dad-cum-boyfriend- cum-brother- cum-everything, Ultimately you are the darling servant of the girl.

You take her around.
You make her project.
You do her assignments.
You are allowed to take her doggie around.
You can hold hands on the beach.
You can see the sun set with her (because she wants to do everything she drags you along).
But but but... don't be mistaken. She has a boyfriend who works for a huge software company and earns 5 times the salary you earn and has a posh flat in an up class area.

Shilpa: "Hi Raj. I am getting engaged to Shekhar. Shekhar this is Raj, he is my bestest friend".

Raj: Hi Shekhar . (Hand shake. Shekhar breaks Raj's wrist).
Raj is now heart broken and wrist broken.

* Boyfriend *
Uh... No comments dude. You're already Gone!

For all Raj type guys? Make sure that you tell Shilpa about Mamta and about Maya? and about Tina also?

This will open Shilpa's eyes!!!!

Intezaar hai uska..

AaNkhoN ko uska intezaar hai
jis anjaani surat se pyaar hai

dhuNdhta huN usko her taraf
uske liye hi dil bekharaar hai

jalwa uska madhosh kar deta hai
uske ishq ka aysa khumaar hai

phooloN ki kya aukaat uske saamne
wo khud khushbu ki bahaar hai

Chaand taaroN ki kyoN aarzu kareiN
jab chaand jaisa uska yaar hai

mumkin nahi mile her khushi zindagi meiN
kabhi zindagi meiN jeet hai, to kabhi haar hai

aaNkhoN ko uska intezaar hai
jis anjaani surat se pyaar hai !!

how much i love you

Each Day I am Holding a Hope to
Welcome the Next Day.

You know Why?
Because I am Waiting for You.

Even though I'm Laughing
But you didn't Try to See My Feelings.

My Pains And my Life Without You
Just See Once You will Realize Then,
How Much I do Love You?
Each Day I am Holding a Hope to
Welcome the Next Day.

You know Why?
Because I am Waiting for You.

Even though I'm Laughing
But you didn't Try to See My Feelings.

My Pains And my Life Without You
Just See Once You will Realize Then,
How Much I do Love You?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Change is one thing that will never Change

Happened to Meet one of my old friend(not in age) after several years...n..he told me "You were not the same as you used to be"....I replied back "Yup,I not the innocent person of those good or bad old years back"..."To survive in this society I was raped of my Innocence long back"...He looked petrified as i uttered the word "rape'....I paused a bit and thought of the Social Stigma attached to these kind of words...Remembered a famous dialogue from the Italian Movie 'Non ti muovere' "Everyone is Cruel;Some Less, Some More"....
That took my memory lanes pluging back n I remembered a particular Person...Happen to Meet him casually in a Bar...My friend introduced him and I could not remember his face that day...May be i was too drunk...So the next day when he greeted me n asked "Remember Me"...I told "Yes" though I couldnt remember him...From then on...I happen to meet him often n we shared our thoughts often too...I figured out he was an intellect and had lost many things...mainly money invested in shares...Told him "Losing is just part n parcel of the Game,You Lose Some You gain Some" though I never lost anything other than my words in that conversation...I pledged "I would never invest my Money in Shares";I couldn't by any means coz I was studying at that time...
This continued for some months....Suddenly he was gone...I enquired my friend n he had no idea...later i came to know that He was taken by the Police...When i explored more I came to know that he was a Terrorist...I was shocked n was lost for words..."What the hell in the world turned him into a terrorist?"...I wondered n figured out My Question itself had the answer..."Yes the world n the People living in it were responsible for that"...
"Start the Bike,Lets Go!!",My Friend yelled rather Politely...I came back to Reality n Raced through...remembering those famous quotes "Change is one thing that will probably never Change"...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Main aisa kyon hun

Kyon khush ho jata hun main
tumhari khushi dekh ke
kyon ho jaata hun main hataash
tumhein udaas dekh ke…

Chahak sa uthta hun main kyon
jab milne ki baari aati hain
par kyon milne baad ghanto
neend nahi aati hain…

Aankhein band karne se kyon
yaad tumhari aati hain
par jab khulti hain toh
kyon phir tu samne aati hain…

Aanso tere tapakte hain
to main kyon sisakta hun
Zara si tu hasti hain
toh main kyon nikharta hun..

Jab bhi dekhta hun tumhe
bas yeh sochta hun
pucho tumse ya tumse kahun
rakhun dil mein ye baat ya keh dun…

Sun jara bas itna bata
Main aisa kyon hun
Main aisa kyon hun…

Political parties match their symbols ...

Political parties match their symbols ...

Q: Why is the Samajwadi Party's symbol 'Cycle'?
A: Because after a ban on English and use of computers, that's all we'll be able to afford

Q: Why is the Congress party's symbol 'Hand'?
A: To remind Indians that our fate is forever in the hand of one family

Q: Why is BJP Symbol 'Lotus'?
A: Lotus is the symbol of Sarawasti and learning. BJP will educate us through the wisdom of Varun Gandhi and Pravin Togadia.

Q: Why is Mayawati's symbol 'Elephant'?
A: It's a self portrait.

Q: Why is Jayalalitha' s symbol 'Two leaves'?
A: Because that's what remained after Amma ate up all the fruit

Q: Why is DMK's symbol 'Sun'?
A: So that Karunanidhi can justify wearing shades indoors

Q: Why is Lalu's symbol 'Lantern'?
A: Because there's no electricity in Bihar

Q: Why is CPM's symbol 'Hammer and Sickle'?
A: Because that's what you will be using if they come to power

Q: Why is Sharad Pawar's symbol 'Clock'?
A: Because his time never seems to come

Q: Why is Shiv Sena's symbol 'Bow and Arrow'?
A: I can tell you, but then I'll have to shoot you

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3rd may 2011

sab se chupa kar dard jo maine muskura diya....
us ki hansi ne to aaj mujhe rula diya.....

leher sa uth raha tha har ik dard ka dhuaan...
chehra bata raha tha k kuch ganwa diya...

aawaz mein tthay-rao tha, aankhoon mein nami thi...
or keh raha tha k mein ne sab kuch bhula diya....

jane kya us ko loghon se thi shikayatein....
tanhaiyon ke desh mein khud ko basa diya...

khud bhi woh hum se bichar kar adhura sa ho gaya....
mujh ko bhi itne loghon mein tanha bana diya....

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Bighi Palkon Tale Hum Ne Chupae Ansoo,
Hasna Chaha Maghar Ankh Me Aaye Ansoo,

Tum Ko Malum Shayad Ho Ke Na Ho,
Tere Jane Pe Bohat Hum Ne Bahaye Ansoo,

Pyar Ik Khel Kahan Tha? Ke Tamasha Karte,
Hum Ne Yeh Soch Ke Khud Se Bhi Chupaye Ansoo,

Jo Tere Sangh Beete The Vo Din Yaad Bhohat Aaye,
Hum Ne Teri Judai Pe Bahaye Ansoo,

Tu Sada Khush Rahe,
Abad Rahe,
Shad Rahe,
Teri Ankh Me Kabhi Ek Bhi Na Ae Ansoo..


Facebook is the place where I spend my most of time and love chatting with my friends on it and commenting on their latest profile updates which makes me happy and satisfied that i am in touch with all my friends.they sometimes reply to it but sometimes not but this is how it goes on Facebook and I love it.

I personally never accept friend requests anymore that don’t have a personal message with them. I don’t know who they are and they obviously didn’t take the time to see who I was either.

I always send a message when I send a friend request and I only send friend requests to my leads that I generate. That way when I see that a request has been accepted I know I need to pay extra attention to that person because they have already become a lead. I wonder why people do that do. Just click request? That’s not cool. I like to know who I want to connect with. Though some dont change no matter what, I’ve seen that some actually are very teachable and will do their best if shown the way.

NOW, if i talk about my facebook friends, there are many. Whenever i go online i find hundreds of people online and some of them alwayz sends me IM's which i usually don't prefer to reply because i know that it's gonna be a boring conversation. He/She will start with "HI", and end up saying "I AM FINE", and thats all. But it does'nt means that i dont like chatting, i really really do chat but with a few people whom i found intersting and who has got their back. And only through chatting, i've found some really interesting people, even i remember their names.. NILANJAN MUKHERJEE, ANURADHA UPADHYAE, SAURAV ANURAJ, SHWETA AGARWAL, DJ PROBZ, RUDHIR GURUNG, SMITI TAMANG, SHEULI.. and much more... (sorry if ur name is not mentioned)

Few of them i know very well, and few of them are in touch through facebook. So let me let me introduce few of them.

lets just start from SAURAV.. The Dabangg..

HI im Saurav Anuraj...
My life revolves around only five major things. My Music, my sis, camera,lappy (photoshop) And my Frnds...
Take these things away from me and there is no meaning to my life...
Music is my sole companion that always cheers me up whenever I'm down.
When I feel sad or lonely, there is nothing better than headphones on full volume, a cup of coffee in hand, relaxing on my bed...
My sister is very special to me. She's my inspiration and I look up to her. Although we do fight, but what brother-sister don't? She's simply the best.
I simply cannot imagine a day going by without me using my camera or my lappy.
What can be better than trying to portray the beauty of the world around you?
I may not take my mobile phone with me when I go out, but you surely will find a camera with me.
Photography has been my hobby, is my passion, and I hope that it turns out to be a successful career.
I believe in Clicking moments not "Making" moments !! A line by a very successful photographer (I hope to follow suit :-P)
My friends are the best part of my life. Without them, I don't think there is any existence to me...
According to me, if a person even has 1-2 great friends, he is in heaven. And I consider myself really lucky that I have so many!
To all my friends, I have only one thing to say to you,
"I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour,
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
I'll be there for you, coz you're there for me too..."
Then ofcourse, there is my special one, My "MEOW". In a way she's been the reason that I have changed... A lot of my friends have told me so.
She's the biggest twist in my life, and I've learnt a great deal about myself by just knowing her...
I don't know if she will have the same feelings for me, but I can say this with confidence, that she sill always have a special place in my heart...
I have this Mantra in life : Don't aim to be a slave in Heaven, Aim to be a king... Even if in Hell!!

Now i'm shareing some secret things of my top 7 frnds........
Anup-that is a name of full argument..... always serious. bt actually he is loving to make suspence.... but gave him a nickname PULLU. bydwe we have two similarity. first of all we love driving(how did hell did u manage to brake my 150km/h record) n second we love making girlfrnd(still our relatioship status is single):P... Pullu is a good frnd,but hai thoda Kanjush...... overall such a gd frnd.
shweta-when i heard this name, god swear i was little bit afraid anytime,anywhere,without reason "DHAMKI bhari baaten krti hai";). otherwise she is a nice gal. love to eat chocolate,love to make frndshp and a good cook(jisko khane se sab datre hain). but one thing is missing.... her boyfriend:-P. afterall she is frnd of mine. i have a tension fr her.....
smiti-hmmm actually she is nt in my frndlist. but still i remember we communicate with each other so many times of pullu,billo,panku n vindi's status.i have no sis..... I wish if Smiti become my sweet n lovely sis.
Manoj-big brother of 6 frnds. not also big bro,he is a kind hearted person n a good friend. fully i respect him......
Pankaj-my one of best.he didn't receive my call at night(when i was in trouble with two monkeys). but always with me just like a shadow............................
Rohit-same words here applicable.personaly i didn't talk to him through .bt i know my rohit always remembering me.
At last in a few word i want to describe about my enemy shy(vindi)..god gave me such a good things bt also gave me a irritating person,name is shy sheuli.she has all bad habits,like rude behaviour,dhamki(Like Billo),cheating,blackmail blah blah blah.....
overall in 7frnds i always found my second home.

And here comes sheuli..

well the name itself speaks loud on how she is n what she's a flower which is vry soft n u got to hold her like the flower.the vry first letter of her name 's' is symmetric with the word 'sensitive' what she actually is of rich fragrance n she also shower love n care fr everyone at the same way into her family including her frnds.still,if u want to discover something more of her,u got to impress her to become a frnd.

About my frnds.come to the vital point of describing my sweetest n lovely frnds.i have so many frnds,school frnds,college frnds n office now i'm talking about my fb frnds.i'm friendly to all bt friends of i describing of my 7frnds -who r all angel,god gifted fr me.first of all i want to share something about SAURAV-who is actually just like a kid.all time u can find him as a heart broken lover.when he was born,he could speech just one word 'meow'..on the other hand he is a marvellous photographer..just like FARHAN of interest about technology bt still now he is a IIT student.n i must say whenever i call him,or he call me,always 'ladte jhagadte hai'.over all he is a nice guy.second of all anup..he is full form of romanticism,masti,naughtyness,n ofcourse loving n careing person.he is an rj.he commited to me whenever i getting married he'l do me a favour-as a party organiser.ofcourse free of he has a bad habit.he couldn't recv my call fr once time.ok doesn't matter.'khandani dushmani jo hai' i'm talking about shweta n smiti-i must say they r both look like a princes.soft heart,loving n caring.whenever i feel alone,they always support me.pankaj,manoj n rohit-accept manoj bhai,others two frnds just my good frnds.always irritating me,bt loving me same.i don't know what i wanted to say,at the last nt the list following 7frnds they r just my heart n soul..god bless them.

Lets talk about SHWETA...

Shweta.... she is popularly knwn as her papa's litl princess.., her moms best frnd nd her bro's jaan... In short her family's heart... Her life is like any1 else's, a roller coaster ride..wid al ups nd downs..twists n turns wich adds life to her life.. She loves her family above all nd cn do nythng dat takes 4 dem.. Her frnds are her jaan nd she cnt imagine herself widout dem..abov al her bhagwanji.. Who she firmly believes to be her best friend.. She believes in miracles, has faith in her relations nd takes signs 4m god.. She has lrnt to move ahead in life... Shweta is like any oder gal... Who dreams of him.. Who wud come in her life, and shower his love 4 her..trn it al around n mke it wondrful like a fairy tale.. Bt she knws life dsnt fulfil ur plans.. It hs got its own, so she nevr lets hrslf dwn.. She lives wid her head held high.. Nd her heart touches de skies...:):)...she has got a world of her own.. Undiscovered by anyone.. not even herself... de treasure kept for some1 she is waiting 4...♥.. as her

nme suggests.. its ' shwaet '.. Wich means white... It stnds 4 peace, prosperity, unity , love nd devotion...sincerity nd nd trust, loyalty nd love, care nd soothe.. U wil get it all 4m her.. She is friendly, caring, sensitive , naughty, loving, sometimes a 2 yr old kid, sometimes too matured.. But abov al she isnt fake .. She is straight forward, rite wat she is on ur face.. Dislikes flirts nd egoistic ppl ful of wrong attitude.. She has de hrt to giv u 1 wen u deserv it... Wel evn dis cnt wrap up me nd my life..

Now... about ME and MY DEAR ANUP... if i start off.. its never gonna end..i dnt see anup nd pankaj as two diff ppl.. dey both are my heart and soul... i cal al my frns as my angels.. bt dse two are my littl angels... my bettu.. my lucky charms.. my kweet ♥♥♥ .. My litl kids.. My guardians... Jitna bolo kamm hai... Dey stepped into my life togeda.. I dnt remembr dat date... At i do remembr 4th Dec '10...i nevr knew dat wud add to my world sumthn new... Wrds fall short 4 dem... dey r my mottu, my chubby pie, my tondumal.. My cutie jaana babu.. My baccha, my hun.. showered me wd smiles nd surprises.. helped me wen no1 was around... ate my delite untasteful dishes.. always wishd de best 4 me.. lovd me unconditionally.. protected me.. taught me..cuddled me..teasd me,. bullied me.. tickled me..~.~ ...scared me @_@...snatched .. Pampered me... Chocolated me...lovd me,.. Hugged me.. Stood by me silently.. Wiped off my tears...helped me to smile.. Made me fearless...nd ya mde me fb, celphne , misty dilse

... misty dilse addict banaya... bt stil i love dat.... i love dem both a lot...
i owe to fb a lot... besides them it gave me 5 more angel like friends...namely saurav, sheuli, smiti, manoj ji, nd rohit....

SAURAV : he is a swthrt, d dabang, d slpless beauty whum at any hour of de nite i can find him awake to accompany me wid his saddu msgs..hehe... he trusted in me as his dear frn.. nd tels me i remind him of his meow.. i respect his happy club nd hav seen he is an innocent hrt.. alwayz makes me laugh at his jokes no matter hw silly dey r.. who says hes w8ng to hav sumthn cookd by me wich makes me happie, who is de bada baccha wid only love in his hrt.. no doubt an excellent photographer... one who is very caring too...:)

SHEULI : Very swt voice, vry sensitive | more dan me | , vry caring, hard working, sweet , and dramatic.. hehe... 4 whum i wish all de happiness nd who wishes 4 me too..:)... whose calls are always missed me.. dats purely unintentional.,. bt i knw shes a frnd forevr...:)


Hello frnds...
well 2 describe about myself i can just say that i m a person who is very moody...i like to do things according to my mood...i have seen many ups and downs in life n can at least say that i have experienced life in its diverse colours...i was an average student at my school with a hardworking spirit...but i have always thought of doing as my heart they say MENTAL SATISFACTION IS ALSO A MAJOR NECCESITY IN LIFE...i aspire to become a succesful person in my life...with lots of achievements in the corporate world...i see myself as an iconic businessman in the future...this was all about philosophically speaking of PANKAJ AGARWAL...

I Love my family a lot...say my laws evryone...
then come my say about my friends i am a person who is not at all selective in making friends...i like to make new friends...
i have a lots of friends...some of them went past me and i had to pass some of them by in the race of life...but no matter they are still in my hearts...some think i have cheated on them and for some i feel the same...but no matter this is the way life is...

FACEBOOK...a place where i spend most of my leisure moments and a place that has given me a lot...say the things i have always been longing for...friends made over here on facebook...some of them are unknown to me...also some of them were unknwon to me...some of them are my memorable sources of experiences...but still an important part of my life...

So,let me take this oppurtunity now to say what i feel for some of the dearest and most precious pals i have come accross in my life....

MANOJ BHAIYA...let me start with him as he is the senior most member of our family..
a guardian...a guiding light...a person who is always there for you whatever the situation may be...the one whom i respect a lot as my guardian,an elder brother...i thank facebook for providing me such a caring elder brother...

ANUP VERMA...let me make a confession guys...
the one to inspire me to join facebook was this guy...and above all if i am sharing your inbox today then he is one of the reasons for it...i have become all of your friends through this man...i know this guy since the last 2 years and i must say he has taught me a lot in life...i respect him a lot...we are good buddies...attitude has nothing to do between us...he is the one who speaks a little but that little does the complete me friends he can never advice you wrong...though at times he sounds harsh but still he is ONE OF THE BEST PERSONS I HAVE MET IN MY LIFE...

SHWETA you my angel...
an ideal girl to be the dearest friend to someone...a girl who is say the most dearest to me in this world as my friend...she has given me a lot in life...she has taught me to move ahead in life...she is the the most sensible,lovable,emotional yet very strong girl i have ever met in my life...she is the one who always stands there in the crowd to cheer you...she is the one who has always stood for me when the world stood against me...i owe to you a lot are the one to change my life completely...THANKS

SAURAV ANURAJ...a complete entertainer...a friend who just simply wants friendship and nothing else...he is a guy who masters in the art of hiding emotions behind laughter and his stupid jokes...i know what's the stuff cooking inside you brother though i never asked you nor did you tell me...besides that you are a great photographer i must say...overall i would like to meet you very soon buddy...i always want you beside me...

SHY SHEULI...kolkata'r roshoglla...a girl who is really a roshogolla with her voice and her nature too...a very sweet girl who is a diamond...because she has faced many hardships of life and now she shines like a beautiful real simply feels great to have a sweet sister like you in my you dear sis...

ROHIT SHARMA...a person whom i got to meet some 2 months impressed me a lot with your decency,calmness,sensiblity...i love every bit of your can be a person so simple and so high in his makes me feel very richer to have a friend like you in my wallet...

SMITI TAMANG...a friend who is new to me now...i dont know much about you...but as i much know of you from shweta and anup i can say you are a great buddy...a sweet girl...caring about her friends...i would love to have a friend like you beside me forever in my life....


Now some words from smiti..

Hello everyone dis is SMITI TAMANG ,,one of the miss facebook queen..I hope u guys dont know the meaning of my name "SMITI",,lemme tell u ,Smiti means "KHUSHI"(Happiness).So i m always happy and fun loving and even make people smile.
I m simple,i think too much,i stay quiet,i dont like crowd,i love to be wid frens..
FACEBOOK is such a site which has made my life so beautiful with a bunch of lovely buddies namely --ANUP,SHWETA,SHEULI,MANOJ,PANKAJ,SAURAV,ROHIT...

So lemme share my feelings towards them,,I know i m nt good in expressing words still watever cums in my mind right now m writing .....:

"ANUP VERMA" :I met anup last year 2010 in Career Fair,since then we know each other..When i first met him,i thought that he is lil proud type..but slowly i came to know that no,m wrong.Anup is totally different from other guys.He is fun loving guy but at the same time very emotional and understanding.He is very professsional too.He calls me MUNNI and i call him "MUNNA"(HEHE nice name).He flirts wid me(LOL).He supports me a lot,advises,cares,scolds and loves me.He wants me to keep smiling,want me to be happy forever..I just wana say u anup--U r great human being,i appreciate u.Always be the same anup wid ur frens.let not any type of grudge or pride cum in between..we all love u and m sure will be best pals till the grave.
"SHWETA AGARWAL":Shweta ,i met her through anup's friend list .She was unknown face in facebook.I was just in imagination,i used to think how she looks.But later she happened to upload her pic.Wow ,that was a real surprise to me..Because i had thought that she had very innocent ,lovely,decent,cute face.and really she possessed it..She is my darling sis cum friend..I love u sweety,,and m always with you..She have supported me in my ups and downs..since we haven't met yet but yeah very soon we gona meet.

"SHY SHEULI": Sheuli is a sweet girl with a sweet voice..My only friend of Kolkata.I can proudly tell people that i have a best pal in kolkata.Sheuli is like my sis.Shweta and Sheuli both of them r like my eyes.I cant love my one eye,i love my both eyes,so same thing.Sheuli is very a friendly,innocent,cute and hardworking girl.I do care for u friend.We haven't met but i really wana meet u.U r always welcomed to siliguri,we all will be waiting for u sheuli.

"MANOJ SHARMA":Manoj ji is the only person who tells me always that wow i like the language u speak,and the hills ,,etc ..He appreciates me ..I like the way he is ,He is good at heart..

"PANKAJ AGARWAL": Pankaj is my new friend,we had a chat often.As far as i know he is a guy with manners,he respects me.I m sure even we will be best pals with the passage of time ..

"SAURAV ANURAJ": Since we are new friends ,we know lil bout each other..but i have a belief that will be good frens eva.Now our frienship is like a BUD ,it will take few days to bloom..

"ROHIT SHARMA": Rohit is very new to me ..I hope he is also a good guy ..

Now.. Few Words from ANURADHA..

"मेरी नज़र से"... मैंने अपना सिर्फ एक नजरिया ज़ाहिर करने की कोशिश की है .खुद को हमेशा से मैंने एक कलाकार का दर्जा दिया है .हमेशा से खुद को कुछ ढूँढते हुए पाया..काफी सारे सवालों के घेरों से छूटते हुए पाया.हमेशा से अपने आप को खुद से ही घीरा हुआ देख खुद की बोहोत सी चीजों की समझ धीरे धीरे बढ़ती ही चली गयी.जिस की वजह से मैं इस लायक हुई हूँ की खुद को सब के सामने खुला रख सकूँ ,मैंने कोई बेडा नहीं उठाया है ,बस एक छोटी सी तमन्ना है ,और मकसद भी ,एक सोच रखना चाहती हूँ समाज में ,उन सब के बीच किसी जागृति की आकांक्षा लिए
उत्तर प्रदेश जैसे सुन्दर छेत्र में रहकर जब मैंने खुद के अस्तित्व को महेसूस करने का प्रयास किया,तब बोहोत सी मुसीबतों का सामना करने का नेक अवसर मेरे हाथ लगा , परन्तु यह सिर्फ एक जगह की बात नहीं है ,यहाँ मैं सारी इंसानियत को लेकर ये सवाल खड़ा करना चाहती हूँ .मैं बड़ी भाग्यशाली हूँ जो कला के इस मंदिर में खुद का योगदान देने का ये अवसर मुझे प्राप्त हुआ है ; पर सच मानिए तो ये अवसर मुझे प्राप्त नहीं हुआ,इस्से मैंने छीना है खुद की जिंदगी के लिए ,इस के लिए जो कुछ भी गंवाया उस का मुझे कोई अफ़सोस नहीं क्योंकि गंवाने के तुरंत बाद बोहोत कुछ सीखा भी.
मेरी पूरी जिंदगी को बयां करते ये काम ....मेरे लिए बोहोत महत्वपूर्ण हैं.खुद को अपनी जिंदगी से बाहर खड़ा कर ,उन सारे अनुभवों को दूर से स्पर्श करने की ये एक कोशिश है. नाकि सिर्फ मेरे खानदान बल्कि उन से जुदा हुआ हर वो समाज और आस पास का वैसा ही वातावरण जो उन्ही लोगों द्वारा बरसों से खड़ा किया गया है .जिन को मैंने जीने की कोशिश कई बार की ,परन्तु उन से कभी सहमत न हो सकी .मैं साफ़ साफ़ शब्दों से अपनी कला कृतियों को बयां नहीं कर सकती ,.पर मैं इतना जरूर कह सकती हूँ की इन कृतियों में मेरे साथ साथ हर उस लड़की ,औरत,नारी -चाहे जितने नाम कह लो ;की जिंदगी -भावनाएं ;दर्द ;सहनशीलता ;स्वाभिमान ;और विरोध छिपा हुआ है.मैं आशा करती हूँ की इन्हें हर कोई अलग अलग रूप से महसूस कर सकता है ,मेरा ध्येय एक जलती हुई लौव को इस समाज की बीच रखना है जो मानवता की मेरी इस सोच की नीव दाल सके .
हालां की मैं यह सारी चीजें तय करनेकी हकदार नहीं दर्शकों का भी उतना ही हक बनता है ,क्योंकि सब का नजरिया एक समान नहीं ,और इस विविधता की मैं इज्ज़त करती हूँ.मेरा ध्येय किसी भी जात या भात के लोगों का विरोध नहीं है.


SOMETHING MISSING.. isn't it.. well.. as soon as my buzy friends gets time to write about themselves.. i'll post it here.. yet more to come.. more and more...

Lastly... u call dem online friends.. i call it luck and faith...!!


We have something that holds us together
Something that made us both better
Something called being a friend
It makes the fun never end
And it helps me to know that when
I am down and blue
Because you’re my friend
I can count on you
We run through life without a care
Would anyone try to part us?
They wouldn’t dare
And when the time comes for me to go
I really want for you to know
That even though my life has come to and end
I will never stop being your friend